Oh no not again

edited September 2009 in General Discussion
As one who much prefers mailing lists to forums, a bit of Stöhnen, which is the German way of saying groaning. However, this is a place one can't avoid, so here we go. Hello everybody! Onward and upward!


  • Hey Mark,

    I think you know my feelings on forums, too :roll:

    That said, I'm excited to get back into Fractal Mapper. I'm actually in the process of converting my TS tables to Inspiration Pad, and just picked up The Keep today, for which I have big plans. Also working with the NBOS Character Sheet app, which is something I've been looking for since, well, a looooong time.

    Good to see you here and looking forward to streamlining my campaign with NBOS' excellent tools. I've recently updated my site to focus on saving time for busy GMs, and my crystal ball tells me that NBOS will be a big help.

  • I, for one, really appreciate moving to a forum style message board. I find it far more user friendly and easier on the eyes. It has a more professional look to it as well.

    Although I am more of a writer than an RPG player, I really appreciate the tools that NBOS has come up with. I use Astrosynthesis and now The Keep to help keep my notes and ideas organized better. I don't like rifling through notebooks trying to find stuff I wrote years ago. If fact, I am using The Keep to help organize the .pdf's I use in my business as well as other documents. It is an amazingly simple and powerful tool.

    Thanks to the NBOS crew over the years for wonderful tools. I remember when NBOS first came to GenCon (Milwaukee, WI) and purchasing programs from them then and have kept coming back. Brings back great memories.
  • Based on your username srhoag, I do believe I remember you from those cons in Milwaukee :-)
  • The new forums look great! Thank you for archiving and not deleting the old forums! I try to pimp NBOS products where ever I go. IPP is invaluable and the Keep is exactly what I have been waiting for. I hope to see everyone around the forums.

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