Blank gap on the character sheet

This is a great program and it does suit the purpose for my home brew system. The character sheet designer shows the top of the sheet ends at 5 1/8" and the bottom of the sheet begins at 5 3/4"; I cannot access the skipped space and it's quite noticeable in the viewer as a large blank area on the sheet. Is there something I'm missing? I have looked on the forums and the help file in the designer and there are no clear answers for this. Please help


  • Okay, for anyone else that may have encountered this; using a touch-pad makes the view skip, using a mouse wheel does not.

  • You have to use the mouse wheel I'm afraid. Click on the page and scroll up / down.

    The scroll bars are supposed to be there. They are programmed to be. But for whatever reason, they refuse to show in the designer.

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