Creating & Accessing Custom Tables in Database

Was curious how Astrosynthesis/plugin could handle data inserted into the database from external script/application like MS Access. Ultimately, I'd like to programmatically add ships, crew (markers), encounters (markers) and various object blazons I've created to the bodies table, and I thought it would be handy to store my content together, separately until merged.

For example: create custom tables in database for ships, crew, etc. using Access, then add them to bodies via plugin. Is this possible? Could I add bodies directly into bodies table from Access, or does that require an Astro process (to generate Universal Astronomical Body Identifier)? Could I generate a 'pool' of ships and markers in a reservoir system via plugin, then modify/move (via Access or plugin) using custom table data?

Would it likewise be possible to utilize custom BODY_TYPE_ integers instead of markers (for crew/persons/encounters)?

Side observation: manually trying to add markers as children to ships creates small vessels instead (which can then be converted to marker body type.)


  • Astro's file format is an SQL database, so you can use any programming tool to write directly to the file and do inserts/updates. I dont think you can define you're own types though. You'd probably have to use markers or maybe ships/stations & apply a desired 3d model. Note that if you access the Astro file this way, you'd have to re-load the file in Astro after changes.

  • edited January 2023


  • edited January 2023


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