Any Tutorial Vidios?

I've been trying to search the forum, but Fractal Mapper Tutorials is too common of words to use as a search criteria. Are there tutorials available in using FM?


  • I'll be working on some this week, anything you want to see in particular?
  • Richard wrote:
    I'll be working on some this week, anything you want to see in particular?
    It'd be nice to have a Beginners Basics that covers the most basic functions of FM, use of tools, creating a map, importing sets, etc...
    Then maybe a more advanced that really shows the power behind FM, the use of effects, layers, custom tools, making custom symbols, Effects Styles...

    I'm reading the Contents of Help, but seeing a visual of what's covered in Help would be great too, maybe making a small video that covers parts of each subject in Help that can be given links to these video clips? Reading just takes so long and is even worse when reading on the computer.
  • ok, no problem.
    Yeah, It seems video is a real help, believe me some of the programs I use, I would have never got into... however the VTC video tutorials made me a pro at Carrara and Anime Studio... visualization seems to be key in learning that perhaps should be used a lot more.

    I'll let you know when I upload the videos to youtube.
  • Richard wrote:
    ok, no problem.
    Yeah, It seems video is a real help, believe me some of the programs I use, I would have never got into... however the VTC video tutorials made me a pro at Carrara and Anime Studio... visualization seems to be key in learning that perhaps should be used a lot more.

    I'll let you know when I upload the videos to youtube.
    Awesome! You're using Carrara and Anime Studioto make your videos? Are they costly? I have a friend looking to make some for TOS+. How complicated is it to make a tutorial?
  • lol... no I'll be using Camtasia.

    I use Carrara and Anime Studio for 3D rendering and 2D animations, I use them for my Illustration projects, just pointing out that video tutorials really help, especially with complex programs like those two.

    I could use them tho for production titles and perhaps a cartoon narrator... lol, but that would take a bit of time.
    I think I'll just keep the videos, to the point and simple.

    Camtasia is cool to use, really easy.
  • Richard wrote:
    lol... no I'll be using Camtasia.

    I use Carrara and Anime Studio for 3D rendering and 2D animations, I use them for my Illustration projects, just pointing out that video tutorials really help, especially with complex programs like those two.

    I could use them tho for production titles and perhaps a cartoon narrator... lol, but that would take a bit of time.
    I think I'll just keep the videos, to the point and simple.

    Camtasia is cool to use, really easy.
    Yeah, I was just talking with my friend who wrote (programmed) TOS+ and he used Camtasia too, but he's so busy and there's so little time. Me, I'm out of work, so I have too much time. It's a catch 22 being out of work. You get all the time to do the things you never have the time to do, but then you have too much time to do the things you never have time to do. :?

    Thanks though. Will be looking forward to your videos soon.
  • UPDATE: Still have the tutorials on the side, I've recently been working on renders for NASA articles so my videos have been a bit sidelined for the moment until I get a few more renders finished.

    ~~Richard Kurbis~~

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