Is there a command line guide for Fractal World Explorer?

I would like to pass a series of parameters and commands to FWE and have it generate a file.
Is this possible?
I would want to be able to tell it what physical size and what % of water along with passing parametres such as water and wind erode or calculating rivers and lakes.
I would pay extra for such functionality.


  • No, there isn't. I believe what Astro does is share FWE's code, so it uses that to create the FWE file and save it to the astrodb file.

    I can look at adding something like that in the future. It wouldn't be too difficult.

  • The elements that I would like to pass are
    Random seed
    Size for x
    Size for y
    Average temperature
    Atmosphere density
    Hydrographic %
    Years of water erosion
    Years of wind erosion
    Asteroid impacts
    Projection type?
    Colour overlay?
    Export surface?
    Export biosphere?
    Export atmosphere?
    Export globe?
    File name
    File type

    This would allow for a command line generation of a world.
    A separate file would be created for each of the export options, as transparencies ie you would be able to layer the atmosphere over the biosphere over the surface. The globe would be an animated webp.

    Like I said, I would pay for this, especially if it was able to have a Linux client.

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