System Name Generator

Does anyone have a customized system name generator? I'd like one that is similar to warhammer 40k system names and I have no idea how to make one.




  • Surprised no one has answered this already. If you go into the AstroSynthesis\LangData you'll find the .ipt file that generates random names. Copy that, give it a new name (I just named my test file "Imperial Gothic Names.ipt"). Next, open it in Notepad or a better text editor and modify the existing scripts. When you re-open AstroSynthesis, you'll find your new random name generator available in the appropriate drop-down.
  • I'm obviously not as handy with this script as I thought I was. Here is what I want it to do:

    First: Generate a star name in the format: [ISS[x-coord],[y-coord],[x-coord]. The code I came up with was: ISS-[@{$BodyType}Default]{$PositionXPad}{$PositionYPad}{$PositionZPad}
    This code appears to work fine as far as it goes.

    Then, if there is an inhabited world, generate a name for it using the regular name generator. The problem I'm having is that the star name is getting replaced, and I really want to retain the initial name for my record keeping purposes. Could a name be appended to the ISS-XYZ star name?

    I guess I would forgo the planet naming as long as the star name stays put. I can always assign names as needed.

    Can anyone give me some ideas on how to make this work?
  • I forgot I had this post out here, but got it figured out in the meantime... Thanks.

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