I can't figure out why the name portion of this ibt is not working...what am I doing wrong?
use: nbos\NecroscapeProfessions.ipt
#use: nbos\adventuringprofessions.ipt
use: nbos\TownBuildings.ipt
use: Generators\Encounters\ModernPerson.ipt
use: nbos\names\towns.ipt
use: NBOS\Names\"us male names.ipt"
use: nbos\Names\"us female names.ipt"
Header: Various people your PC's might meet on the street.
Table: RandomNPC
Set: Race=Human
Set: Profession=[
@NPCProfession >> Proper]
Set: 2ndProfession=[
@NPC2ndProfession >> Proper]
Set: Sex=[|Male|Female]
1:<b>{$name}</b> \nSex: {$Sex}\nProfession: {$Profession}{$2ndProfession}\nDescription: [
Set: malename=[
@US male Names]
Set: femalename=[
@us female names]
Table: NPCProfession
Table: NPC2ndProfession
1:, [
Table: MaleDescription
{$malename} is [
@MaleLooks] [|young|adult|middle aged|old] man of [
@NPCBuild] build. [
@MaleHair]. He is
@NPCClothes]. He is [
Table: FemaleDescription
{$femalename} is [
@FemaleLooks] [|young|adult|middle aged|old] woman of [
@NPCBuild] build. She has [
@NPCHairColor] hair. She is [
@NPCClothes]. She is [
Table: NPCBuild
1:very slight
1:very large
Table: MaleLooks
2:an unattractive
8:an unexceptional looking
4:a handsome
1:a stunningly handsome
Table: FemaleLooks
2:an unattractive
8:an unexceptional looking
4:an attractive
1:a stunningly attractive
Table: MaleHair
1:He is completely bald
2:He is balding, with [
@NPCHairColor] hair
4:He has [
@NPCHair] [
@NPCHairColor] hair
Table: NPCHair
well kept
Table: NPCHairColor
Table: NPCClothes
2:poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing
4:poorly dressed in old clothes
8:dressed normally for the area
4:well dressed
2:very well dressed
1:exceptionally well dressed, with colors and accessories selected with a great sense of style.
Table: NPCActivity
2: [
@NPCSchlep], and is [
Table: NPCSchlep
carrying a [|large|small|gigantic] [|bag|set of books|set of scrolls|tub of water|jug|pile of firewood|crate of
Table: NPCBehavior
4: walking intently down the street.
walking idly down the street.
walking hastily down the street.
looking around in a confused manner.
stopping every passer by and asking them something.
stopping people and asking them if they know [
stopping people and asking them if they know where the [
@FantasyTownBuildings] is.
stopping people and asking them if they know the direction to [
Table: NPCRandomOtherName
use: NBOS\Names\"us male names.ipt"
use: nbos\Names\"us female names.ipt"
so they look like this:
use: NBOS\Names\us male names.ipt
use: nbos\Names\us female names.ipt
use: nbos/NecroscapeProfessions.ipt
#use: nbos/adventuringprofessions.ipt
use: nbos/TownBuildings.ipt
use: Generators/Encounters/ModernPerson.ipt
use: nbos/names/towns.ipt
use: NBOS/Names/us male names.ipt
use: nbos/Names/us female names.ipt
use: nbos/names/USNames.ipt
Header: Various people your PC's might meet on the street.
Table: RandomNPC
Set: Race=Human
Set: Profession=[@NPCProfession >> Proper]
Set: 2ndProfession=[@NPC2ndProfession >> Proper]
Set: Sex=[|Male|Female]
1:<b>[when]{$Sex} = Male[do][malename=[@USFullNameMale]][else][femalename=[@USFullNameFemale]][end]<;/b> \nSex: {$Sex}\nProfession: {$Profession}{$2ndProfession}\nDescription: [@{$Sex}Description]\n
Table: NPCProfession
Table: NPC2ndProfession
1:, [@NPCProfession]
Table: MaleDescription
{$malename} is [@MaleLooks] [|young|adult|middle aged|old] man of [@NPCBuild] build. [@MaleHair]. He is
[@NPCClothes]. He is [@NPCActivity]
Table: FemaleDescription
{$femalename} is [@FemaleLooks] [|young|adult|middle aged|old] woman of [@NPCBuild] build. She has [@NPCHair]
[@NPCHairColor] hair. She is [@NPCClothes]. She is [@NPCActivity]
Table: NPCBuild
1:very slight
1:very large
Table: MaleLooks
2:an unattractive
8:an unexceptional looking
4:a handsome
1:a stunningly handsome
Table: FemaleLooks
2:an unattractive
8:an unexceptional looking
4:an attractive
1:a stunningly attractive
Table: MaleHair
1:He is completely bald
2:He is balding, with [@NPCHairColor] hair
4:He has [@NPCHair] [@NPCHairColor] hair
Table: NPCHair
well kept
Table: NPCHairColor
Table: NPCClothes
2:poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing
4:poorly dressed in old clothes
8:dressed normally for the area
4:well dressed
2:very well dressed
1:exceptionally well dressed, with colors and accessories selected with a great sense of style.
Table: NPCActivity
2: [@NPCBehavior]
[@NPCSchlep], and is [@NPCBehavior]
Table: NPCSchlep
carrying a [|large|small|gigantic] [|bag|set of books|set of scrolls|tub of water|jug|pile of firewood|crate of
Table: NPCBehavior
4: walking intently down the street.
walking idly down the street.
walking hastily down the street.
looking around in a confused manner.
stopping every passer by and asking them something.
stopping people and asking them if they know [@NPCRandomOtherName]
stopping people and asking them if they know where the [@FantasyTownBuildings] is.
stopping people and asking them if they know the direction to [@MasterTownName].
Table: NPCRandomOtherName
You weren't calling the right table, assuming you are using the US Male Names.ipt and US Female Names.ipt from NBOS. I also added the file those two were calling to get the names from.
I put a conditional statement into your table to check for sex as well. Might not be the most efficient way to do this, but I think it now does what you want it to.
That helped immensely
I check the NBOS forums every day to see if anything new has come up. It is sometimes weeks between posts for stuff I'm using (Astrosynthesis and Inspiration Pad) so when I can help, I'm glad to.
Folks on these boards are helpful but infrequent. It's a shame because I know there are more than a handful of people using this software...