CSD!@@ ףp= ??!@@ ףp= ?? //Get colors from boxes 2,3,4 var Level1 = Box11.FillColor () var Level2 = Box12.FillColor () var Level3 = Box13.FillColor () function WoundLevel() //the source for a button { Box1.FillColor = rgb( 0, 255, 0); } function rgb( r, g, b) { return r + (256 * g) + (65536 * b); } function SwitchColor () { if (Box1.FillColor = rgb( 0, 0, 255)) //If Blue { Box1.FillColor = rgb( 100, 100, 100) } //switch to Gray if (Box1.FillColor = rgb( 100, 100, 100)) //If Gray { Box1.FillColor = rgb( 255, 255, 255) } //switch to Black if (Box1.FillColor = rgb( 255, 255, 255)) { Box1.FillColor = rgb( 0, 0, 255)} } Combat Skills Basic Firearms Pistol Rifle Submachine Gun Shotgun Hand Grenade Basic Heavy Weapons Machine Gun Recoilless Rifle Rocket Launcher Tank Gun Artillery Missile Systems Basic Melee Club/Ax Knife Fencing/Sword Spear/Staff Boxing* Martial Arts* Wrestling*Mechanical Skills Basic Tool Use Carpentry Metal Working Construction Driving Piloting Basic Mechanic Aircraft MEchanic Electronics* Computer Technician*Specialty Skills Ballistics Concealment Cryptography Demolitions Disguise Fingerprinting Forgery Interrogation Lockpicking Pickpocket Safecracking Shadowing Stealth Surveillance Survival Tracking Wound LevelsBox1?Verdana$@{Gz@HzG?{Gz@)\(?Q @)\(?Q @HzG?Button1SwitchColor();?@Verdana$@\(\ @HzG?\(\ @)\(? @)\(? @HzG?Box2?Verdana$@ ףp= ? ףp= ? ףp= ????? ףp= ?Box3?Verdana$@HzG? ףp= ?HzG??)\(??)\(? ףp= ?Box4?Verdana$@ ףp= ? ףp= ? ףp= ??Q??Q? ףp= ?Box5?Verdana$@ ףp= ?)\(? ףp= ? ףp= ?? ףp= ??)\(?Box6?Verdana$@HzG?)\(?HzG? ףp= ?)\(? ףp= ?)\(?)\(?Box7?Verdana$@ ףp= ?)\(? ףp= ? ףp= ?Q? ףp= ?Q?)\(?PhyDmg?Physical DamageVerdana$@HzG?HzG?HzG?%X?O贁?%X?O贁?HzG?PhyDmg1? Mental DamageVerdana$@HzG?HzG?HzG?6i?O贁N?6i?O贁N?HzG?PhyDmg2?Spiritual DamageVerdana$@HzG?Q?HzG?@ t?p= #?@ t?p= #?Q?Box8?Verdana$@ ףp= ?? ףp= ?Gz??Gz???Box9?Verdana$@HzG??HzG?Gz?)\(?Gz?)\(??Box10?Verdana$@ ףp= ?? ףp= ?Gz?Q?Gz?Q??Box11?Verdana$@{Gz@ ףp= ?{Gz@?Q @?Q @ ףp= ?Box12?Verdana$@\(\ @ ףp= ?\(\ @? @? @ ףp= ?Box13?Verdana$@= ףp=@ ףp= ?= ףp=@?Gz@?Gz@ ףp= ?PhyDmg3? Sample colorsVerdana$@{Gz@HzG?{Gz@%X?_,r@%X?_,r@HzG?PhyDmg4? Sample ButtonVerdana$@{Gz@)\(?{Gz@~K?贁N@~K?贁N@)\(?