; Gnomes.ipt ; created 10/20/2024 12:57:01 AM Header: Gnome names. Note gnomish language is time sensitive, so the apostrophes represent deliberate hesitations. Yes, hesitations can be at the beginning and end of the word! Upper case indicates stress. Table: begin [@pause][@start][@pause][@mid][@pause][@end][@pause] [@pause][@start][@pause][@mid][@pause][@end][@pause] table: v a e i o u ee oo table: const b bl br bw dw dr g hr kl kw kr m ml mw n nl nw pw pf sg sn tl tw z table: endconst rf rg nn ng mg rp zh rd rt ff z table: izz [@const][@v]zzle [@const][@v]zzly [@const][@v]ddle [@const][@v]pple [@const][@v]zzle Table: start [@const][@v][@endconst] [[@const][@v][@endconst] >> UPPER] [[@izz] >> UPPER] Table: mid [@const][@v][@endconst] Table: end [@const][@v][@endconst] Table: pause \z \z '