// Tavern songs // inspired by, but not really based on, http://dndspeak.com/2019/06/100-bard-songs/ // Jonathan Dale Table: TavernSong [@Who] \a [@Tone] [@SubjectMatter]. Table: Who They are [@Performing] A minstrel is [@Performing] A bard is [@Performing] A group of commoners is [|trying to sing|enthusiastically singing|butchering|hesitantly trying to sing|drunkenly singing] A group of [|performers|minstrels] is [@Performing] The entire tavern is [|trying to sing|enthusiastically singing|butchering|hesitantly trying to sing|drunkenly singing] Table: Performing 5:singing 4:performing rehearsing practicing learning Table: Tone [@Features] comedy [@Features] tragedy [@Features] romance [@Features] tale [@Features] love story [@Features] nursery rhyme [@Features] children's song [|rhyming|cheerful|dark|heroic|bawdy|brief|innuendo-filled|profane|popular|fast-paced|upbeat] marching song [|cheerful|exciting|tragic|dark|heroic|long|foreign|popular|slow-paced|sorrowful] epic [|rhyming|cheerful|dark|heroic|bawdy|brief|innuendo-filled|profane|popular|fast-paced|upbeat|sorrowful] sea shanty [|rhyming|cheerful|dark|heroic|bawdy|brief|innuendo-filled|profane|popular|fast-paced|upbeat|sorrowful] laborer's chant [@Features] ballad [|cheerful|exciting|tragic|dark|heroic|long|foreign|popular|slow-paced|sorrowful] saga Table: Features rhyming cheerful exciting tragic dark heroic bawdy epic long brief calming foreign innuendo-filled tongue-twisting profane [|somewhat|slightly|extremely|shockingly|hilariously] blasphemous [|locally|extremely|wildly|traditionally] popular fast-paced upbeat slow-paced melodious sorrowful alliterative Table: SubjectMatter [@Describing] a [|historical|traditional|cautionary] [|legend|fable|tale] [@Describing] a [|legendary|historical] [|battle led by [!Person]|war|fight between [!Person] and [!Person]|duel between [!Person] and [!Person]] [|[@Describing] a [|legendary|historical] monster|about the ravages of a [|legendary|historical] monster] [@Describing] a great act of hubris by [@Person] about a [|site|temple|fortress|city|monument|natural feature] of [|national|religious|local|regional] pride recounting [|a battle waged by|a hunt conducted by|an adventure of|the quest of|a disaster caused by|a disaster averted by] [@Person] [@Describing] [|a famine|a fire|a flood|a storm|a blizzard] [@Describing] the death of [!Person] [@Describing] the theft of [@Item] [@Describing] the [|adventures|swindling|exile] of [@Person] [@Describing] the swindling of [@Person] [@Describing] [!Person]'s quest [|for freedom|for treasure|for love|for redemption|for magic|for greatness|to destroy [@Item]|to rescue [!Person]|for revenge against [!Person]] [@Describing] [!Person]'s [|finding|winning] [|a lost|a new|a monster's|[!Person]'s] love [@Describing] [!Person]'s [|marrying|wooing] [|a lost love|a new love|a monster|[!Person]] [@Describing] revenge taken against [!Person] for [|a theft|an insult|a murder|stealing their love|being an uppity bastard] Table: Describing recounting telling retelling describing about Table: Person \a [|great|well-loved|widely-hated|absent-minded|beautiful] [|noble|baron|baroness|duke|duchess|queen|king|lord|lady|knight|dame] [|a famous|an infamous|a legendary|a fictional] [|bandit|brigand|thief|outlaw|rogue|bounty hunter] [|a god|a goddess|the gods] [|an honest|a dishonest|a popular|a friendly|a curmudgeonly|a generous|a forgetful|a brave|a courageous|a cowardly|a clever] [|miller|hunter|tailor|cook|baker|chef|spinster|weaver|cobbler|bard|minstrel|fisherman] [|a wise|a clever|a courteous|a friendly|a domineering|a terrifying|a powerful|a famous|a infamous|a legendary|a local|a noble|a courageous|a cowardly|a forgetful|an absent-minded|a beloved|a enchanting] [|wizard|witch|sorcerer|healer|hermit|priest|priestess|boy|girl|child|sorceress|grandmother|grandfather|druid|judge|magistrate] [|a wizard|a witch|a sorcerer|a healer|a smith|an alchemist]'s apprentice [|a cat|a frog|a raven|a fox|a wolf|a magpie|a hawk|a fish|a mermaid|a snake|a lion|a tree|a mountain|a river|a bear|a hedgehog|a rooster] [|a golem|a construct|an elemental|a demon|a devil|an angel|a dragon|Death|an ogre|a giant|a giantess|a ghoul|a ghost] Table: Item a royal treasure a noble's treasure a holy artifact an unholy artifact a pie an apple a pouch an anvil a pair of [|shoes|boots] a goose a duck a cow a crown a jewel a sword a turnip a melon vegetables money a king's ransom a ship the sun the moon