Header: Scroll Creator Table: Main Container: A [@contain] shaped into a box [@open] [@marking] [@ornament] [@NumScrolls] Table: NumScrolls [@Scroll with 1] [@Scroll with 1][@Scroll with 2] [@Scroll with 1][@Scroll with 2][@Scroll with 3] [@Scroll with 1][@Scroll with 2][@Scroll with 3][@Scroll with 4] Table: Scroll \nScroll {$1}:This scroll has been written in [|black|black|black|black|black|blue|brown|gold|green|grey|orange|purple|red|silver|white] [@inky] in [@lang] [@seal]. The pages are [@size] [@sheet] and there is [@wrap] for the wrap bar. It is [@ScrollType]. Table: contain leather animal hide monster hide bone ivory bamboo cloth metal porcelian ceramic softwood hardwood [|treated paper|thick] paper coiled [|rope|string] treated plant material stone [|glass|crystal] precious metal [|real|fake] gemstone Table: open that is always open that is double-hinged that has a flip top that pushes down then twists that is quad-hinged that is rotating with a simple slide off cover with an iris twist with a twist off cap Table: marking that has [|gemstone|feather|scale] decorations that has light acid damage that has a slight burn that has a crack with a complex pattern with a geometric pattern with a simple pattern with a [|symbol|crest] for local [|rulers|nobility] Table: ornament and has a [|belt loop|holding strap] made out of [|animal fur|monster fur|dragon hide|ribbon|animal hide] and has a [|belt loop|holding strap] made out of [|animal fur|monster fur|dragon hide|ribbon|animal hide] and has a [|belt loop|holding strap] made out of [|animal fur|monster fur|dragon hide|ribbon|animal hide] and it is decorated with ribbons and it is has beautiful, [|yet fake|real] gemstones and it has a [|gleaming|shining|dull], [|real|fake] [|precious|semi-precious] metal. Table: lang 1-2: an arcane language 3-4: a dead language 5-6: a divine language 7: pictograms 8: a obscure racial dialect language 9-10: a regional racial dialect language 11-13: a racial language 14: runes Table: inky 1-10: ink 11: acid 12-13: animal blood 14: monster blood 15: chalk 16: crayon 17: metallic ink 18: paint Table: seal 1-3: with no seal or tie 4-5: with a soft wax seal 6-7: with a hard wax seal 8-9: with a resin seal 10-11: secured with an easy lock 12: secured with an average lock 13: secured with a good lock 14: secured with an excellent lock 15-16: tied with an easy knot 17: tied with an average knot 18: tied with a good knot 19: tied with an excellent knot Table: sheet bamboo ivory brass copper gold platinum silver cotton linen rice wood pulp papyrus parchment slate ash wood planel cherry wood panel mahogany wood panel oak wood panel walnut wood panel Table: size [@wid] by [@len] inches [@wid] by [@len] inches [@wid] by [@len] inches [@wid] by [@len] inches Table: wid 1: 6 2-3: 7 4-10: 8 11-12: 9 13-14: 10 15-16: 11 17-18: 12 19: {1d12} 20: {2d12} Table: len 1: 9 2-3: 10 4-10: 11 11-12: 12 13-14: 15 15-16: 16 17-18: 18 19: {1d24} 20: {2d24} Table: wrap 1-10: nothing 11-15: a bamboo 16-20: a animal bone 21-22: a humanoid bone 23-24: a monster bone 25: a clear crystal 26: a colored crystal 27: a glass 28: a gold 29: an iron 30: a mithril 31-50: an ivory 51-70: a silver 71-90: a steel 91-93: a hardwood 94-95: a softwood 96: a real gemstone 97: a fake gemstone Table: ScrollType 1-50: [@mundane] 51-75: [@enchant] table: mundane 1-8: a blank scroll 9: an IOU for a large sum 10: a biography 11: the blueprints for a fortification 12: the blueprints for a house 13: the blueprints of a settlement 14: an expired bounty 15: a valid bounty 16: a business account 17-18: a business contract 19: a set of criminal investigation notes 20: the deed to an animal 21-22: the deed for a house 23-24: the deed to an item 25: the deed for a [|cave|forest] 26-27: the deed for a vehicle 28-29: a diary 30: [|dissection|research] notes 31: a family tree 32: a draft of a fictional story 33: a lost edition of a fictional story 34-36: a story 37: gibberish 38: a pad invoice 39: an unpaid invoice 40: a birthday letter 41-42: a general letter 43-45: a legal letter 46: a plea for help 47: a romantic letter 48: a htreatening letter 49: a licence for dangerous animals 50-51: a merchant licence 52: a library card 53: a licence to kill 54: a check list 55: a inventory list 56: a map showing the directions to a specific meeting 57: a map of a [|dungeon|cave system] 58: a magical map of a building 59-60: a map to [|real|fake] treasure 61-62: a [|real|fake] medical history 63: medical notes 64: a cult membership roster 65-66: a guild membership roster 67: memoirs 68-69: a [|fake|true] biography 70: a dictionary 71: an encyclopedia 72: a historical document 73-74: a planner 75-77: a religious text 78: a [|picture|image] 79: a proposal of marriage 80: a ransom note 81-84: a [|drink|food] recipe 85: a mixed piece of research notes 86: magical research notes 87: monster research notes 88-89: technology research notes 90: ritual details 91: golem construction shopping list 92: mundane shopping list 93-94: a [|fake|real] suicide note 9-6: a surrender [|acceptance|demand] 97-98: [|real|forged] tax records 99: Unintelligible scribbles 100: [@enchant] table: enchant 1-3: a basic communication scroll 4-8: a coded communication scroll 9-11: a blank copying scroll 12-15: a filled copying scroll 16-18: a copying scroll carrying a secrect code 19-21: a alignment detection scroll 22-24: a curse detection scroll 25-26: a disease detection scroll 27-28: a lie detection scroll 29-32: a magic detection scroll 33-34: a poiso0n detection scroll 35-43: a coded dictation scroll that is [|blank|filled] 44-52: a dictation scroll that is [|blank|filled] 53-60: a imaging scroll that is [|blank|filled] 61-63: a mapping scroll leading to nearby treasure 64-67: a mapping scroll that finds nearby creatures 68-72: a mapping scroll that gives directions to nearby places 73-76: a mapping scroll leading to nearby mundane items 77-78: a mapping scroll leading to nearby secret doors. 79-80: a portable library scroll 81-83: a portable mirror Scroll 84-86: a one-way portable window 87-90: a dual way portable window 91-92: a self-updating beings scroll 93-94: a self-updating container scroll 95-97: a self-updating item scroll 98-100: a self-updating location scroll