// Random murder generator // Based on data from https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/murder-map-reveals-medieval-londons-meanest-streets // Historically accurate data for 14th century London // Implemented by Jonathan Dale // This generator will generate one year of random murders for a city or town of the specified population. Prompt: Population {} 50000 Define: pop={$prompt1} Maxreps:1 Header: This year in your city or town, the following murders occurred: Table: Murders [@{round({$pop}/{1d3000+3300})} Murder] Table: Murder The victim was killed by [@Perpetrator] [|on [@DayOfWeek] [@TimeOfDay]|[@TimeOfDay] on [@DayOfWeek]]. [|They were|The attack occurred|The victim was] [@Location]. The victim was [@Weapon], [@TimeOfDeath].

The victim was [@Weapon] by [@Perpetrator], [|on [@DayOfWeek] [@TimeOfDay]|[@TimeOfDay] on [@DayOfWeek]], [@Location], [@TimeOfDeath].

Table: DayOfWeek 211:Monday 70:Tuesday 99:Wednesday 99:Thursday 106:Friday 106:Saturday 310:Sunday Table: TimeOfDay 21:around daybreak 14:in the morning 14:[|around midday|in the afternoon] 310:in the early evening 458:in the late evening 99:at night 85: Table: Location 528:[|on the street|on the street|in an alley|in a public square] 99:in an unspecified public space 21:[|in a market stall|in a shop|in a place of business] 28:[|on a wharf|by the river|by the water] 42:in a tavern 14:in a brothel 42:in a church or other religious building 7:in a prison 85:in the perpetrator's residence 70:in the victim's residence 56:in a residence other than that of the victim or perpetrator 7:in an unknown location Table: Weapon 14:struck [@WoundLocation] with an axe 359:[|stabbed|slashed|struck] [@WoundLocation] with a long knife 204:[|stabbed|slashed|struck] [@WoundLocation] with a short knife 120:[|stabbed|slashed|struck] [@WoundLocation] with a sword 190:struck [@WoundLocation] with a staff 7:shot [@WoundLocation] with a [|bow|bow|crossbow] 77:[|punched|strangled|kicked|throttled|choked] 7:struck [@WoundLocation] with a rock 14:drowned 7:killed by uncertain means Table: WoundLocation 352:in the head 21:in the neck 49:in the throat 63:in the hands, arms, and shoulders 239:in the chest 28:in the back 99:in the lower abdomen 14:in the legs 77:multiple times in different locations Table: TimeOfDeath 324:and died immediately 63:and died within 2 hours 92:and died after {1d5+1} hours 42:and died after {1d7+5} hours 77:and died after {1d13+11} hours 63:and died two days later 70:and died {1d2+2} days later 63:and died {1d2+4} days later 42:and died one week later 106:and died {1d3+1} weeks later 35:and died more than a month later Table: PerpGender 92:male 8:female Table: Perpetrator 5:[|a noble|a chamberlain|a wealthy merchant|a knight][@Accomplices] 3:a [@PerpGender] goldsmith[@Accomplices] 3:a [@PerpGender] baker[@Accomplices] 3:a [@PerpGender] tailor[@Accomplices] 3:a [@PerpGender] fishmonger[@Accomplices] 2:a [@PerpGender] brewer[@Accomplices] 2:a [@PerpGender] carpenter[@Accomplices] 2:a [@PerpGender] cobbler[@Accomplices] 2:a [@PerpGender] skinner[@Accomplices] 2:a [@PerpGender] craftsman[@Accomplices] 15:a [@PerpGender] servant[@Accomplices] 11:[|a [@PerpGender] priest|a [@PerpGender] cleric|a [@PerpGender] chaplain][@Accomplices] 5:[|a [@PerpGender] beggar|a [@PerpGender] purse-cutter|a [@PerpGender] prostitute][@Accomplices] 12:[|a [@PerpGender] child|a [@PerpGender] adolescent][@Accomplices] Table: VictimAge 77:a child or adolescent 923:an adult Table: Accomplices 66: 10: and one [|accomplice|brother|family member] 8: and 2 [|accomplices|brothers|family members] 6: and 3 [|accomplices|brothers|family members] 4: and 4 [|accomplices|brothers|family members] 5: and {1d6+4} [|accomplices|brothers|family members]