Prompt1: Enter Odds {Has to be|A sure thing|Very likely|Unlikely|Random} Random Prompt2: Enter Chaos Rank {Random|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9} Random Maxreps:1 Table:Main Odds are {Odds='[when]{$Prompt1}=Random[do][@RandomOdds][else][@RandomOdds][end]'}.\n& Chaos Rank is {Chaos=[when]{$Prompt2}=Random[do]{1d9}[else]{1d9}[end]}.\n& Yes chance is {BaseSuccess=[#{$Chaos} {$Odds}]}%.\n& Exceptional Yes chance is {CritYes={floor({{$BaseSuccess}*.2})}}%\n& Exceptional No is {CritFail={ceil({100-{100-{$BaseSuccess}}*.2})}}%\n& Your roll is a(n) {Score=1d100}\n& The result is [when]{$Score}<{$CritYes}[do]Exceptional Yes[else]& [when]{$Score}<{$BaseSuccess}[do]Yes[else]& [When]{$Score}>{$CritFail}[do]Exceptional No[else]No[end][end][end] Table:RandomOdds Has to be A sure thing Very likely Unlikely Endtable: Table:Has to be Type: Lookup 1: 80 2: 85 3: 90 4: 95 5: 95 6: 100 7: 100 8: 130 9: 145 Table:A sure thing Type: Lookup 1:55 2:65 3:80 4:85 5:90 6:95 7:95 8:110 9:125 Table:Very likely Type: Lookup 1:45 2:50 3:65 4:75 5:85 6:90 7:95 8:95 9:105 Table:Unlikely Type: Lookup 1:5 2:10 3:15 4:20 5:35 6:50 7:55 8:75 9:90