Suggestion: Change Atmo Components to ppm instead of %

This is just a suggestion.

Or, is there a script/plug-in for such? I have not done a search.

Can you allow a person to enter atmospheric components in parts per million (ppm) instead of a percentage?

I much prefer working in ppm than percentages. Using ppm is more accurate, although may fluctuate more wildly. I know ppm can be converted into percentages rather easily. I just prefer working with ppm. Then allow the program to show either or both % and ppm.

Example planet: Onaviu (all are listed in ppm):
Nitrogen: 739,346
Oxygen: 249,621
Argon: 10,432
Carbon Dioxide: 542
Neon: 29.65
Helium: 14.13
Methane: 3.8
Krypton: 3.62
Hydrogen: 1.12
Nitrous Oxide: 0.4
Carbon Monoxide: 0.1
Xenon: 0.2
Ozone: 0.1
Nitrogen Dioxide: 0.03
Iodine: 0.02
Ammonia: 0.03
others: 5.8

Numbers do not add up to exactly 1,000,000 due to round-off and uncertainty.

As said, just a suggestion. Allow users to switch from % to ppm, and vice versa.


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