Social and economic properties

edited September 2015 in AstroSynthesis General

My birthday is coming up, and I'm thinking of treating myself to a copy of Astrosynthesis 3.0. I just have a few questions as to whether it is likely to be suitable to my needs. The third involves generating populations tech levels, economic data, and spaceport characteristics.

The universe I want to generate has a particular structure to its human population. For reasons that are too complicated to explain here, the habitable planets near Earth have old colonies and those further out have progressively younger colonies. Highly salubrious planets got more colonists than the marginally-habitable ones, there was a feedback between population, economic development, and immigration…. Now there is a subtle structure to the co-variation of distance from Sol, planetary salubrity, population, development level, and the class and type of spaceport.

Naturally, I can't expect Astrosynthesis to generate such a universe out of the box. Can I script the generation of population, development level, and spaceport? Can I generate it externally from Astrosynthesis output and then import it?




  • Yes, you could certainly do that. Or you can use custom fields and manually set the properties for specific planets. Unless you have masses of planets, setting them manually might be easiest.

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