Ever work with Blender?

I found an interesting star in my sector that I think has great plot potential. I want to see how the planets would move and form a Astrology like religion for my key body. Easy right make the system in Blender and set a camera on the key body looking at the sky. The problem is I have circular paths on a flat plane and the system of interest has off center elliptical orbits at defendant angles. In Astro I look at the "Orbital Properties" there is Eccentricity, Inclination, Ascending Node, ... How can I use this factors in my Blender Model to get an feel of how this system's bodies would move and be seen from each other?

I am attaching a XML Export of the System I want to model in Blender

Anyone wanting to provide some hands on help I can send you the blender model I have so far

Thank you for your time


  • You may want to ask over in the blender forum. There may already be some animation solutions available for Blender for planetary movement. Given the orbital information from Astro, it should be all you need to display the elliptical orbits.

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