Huge CSUAC Extension

edited January 2016 in Maps and Symbols
Somehow, I never thought of mentioning this here before. Sorry.

When CSUAC owner Cecil Solomon took down his website in 2008, he authorized Jim Hale in the U.S. to run an official CSUAC website for Dundjinni, and he authorized us to run an official CSUAC site for Fractal Mapper 8. If you were unaware of that, it's available free at:

After Cecil dropped out, Sendorian here in Germany was authorized by the Dundjinni symbol creators to continue Cecil's work with monthly archive extensions to expand the resources of the CSUAC. He did that from 2008 until 2013, when he vanished from our radar screens. His program, called Sendorian's Archives, is a much, much larger collection of symbols in a considerably wider variety than the CSUAC has.

Sendorian authorized the Dundjinni CSUAC provider, Jim Hale, to host the entire collection on his website, where it is available free for private and commercial use. One may not, however, redistribute Sendorian's archives or the individual symbols they contain. But their use in maps is free.

To get these symbols, go to:

And then follow this path (below):

Files/Gaming/RPG/Dundjinni/Monthly Archives

These symbols do not have an installation program. They're simply PNG symbols. You'll have to make folders or directories to contain them. But then, that's not difficult, and they'll reward you with a gold mine of raster mapping symbols.

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