lost portion of map symbols

edited February 2016 in Fractal Mapper General
hello all

New guy here getting the learning curve in.

I am lost all access to map symbols from the Standard Fantasy Symbols on the map symbol drop down bar.

What i did to achieve this mistake.
I went to the following directory C:\Program Files (x86)\nbos\Mapper8\MapArt\Standard Fantasy Symbols\Heraldic Shields

Inside of the Heraldic Shields directory I opened a uncolored shield file, colored it, renamed it, and tried to see my finish product on a map.

as a result of me doing this I have lost all of the "Standard Fantasy Symbols"

any advice on how to put things back in order so i have access to the directory again?


  • Keeping in mind that I was not sitting behind your computer watching you while you worked, I have to take a wild guess at what happened. That wild guess - and the only guess that I can make at the moment - is that you perhaps erased or moved the folder Standard Fantasy Symbols to another location.

    Open the Windows Explorer (Windows 10: File Explorer) and see if it's still there. See the screen shot below.

    However, I have a few more suggestions to make:

    1) Uninstall FM8 and re-install it somewhere other than C:\Programs (x86). Since Windows Vista, Windows controls this folder with the notorious UAC (user access control). It sometimes interferes with your access to your own work, including work with FM8. It's a bad location. If you can, that is if you have another partition or a second hard drive, install it somewhere other than Drive C. Put it on D or E or whatever, if you can. If not, install it in another folder of your own making an Drive C.

    2) The next time you want to color an FM8 herald, do it in FM8, using the Raster Flood Fill symbol and save the symbol under a new name.

    3) Do the two FM8 tutorials. Unlike the tutorials for some other programs, they're easy to understand, and they don't take very long to do. After you've done them, you're already on the threshold of being an FM8 expert.

    Start out with the basic tutorial:


    and after you've finished that, do the advanced raster mapping tutorial:


    When you've finished both, you're more likely to be answering questions here than asking them.

  • let me give better details, I am not a forum person but I am so jazzed about this mapper.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\nbos\Mapper8\MapArt\Standard Fantasy Symbols\Heraldic Shields file : Shield - Per Saltire

    this file is a blank shield when i double click it I was able to open it in FM2 color it and rename my work as { Shield - Per Saltire purple}

    I did the same steps for C:\Program Files (x86)\nbos\Mapper8\MapArt\Standard Fantasy Symbols\Animals and Monsters File: Dragon1

    then I colored that purple and saved it as Dragon1 purple. both saves were in the parent directory.

    I did double check and to answer your question:

    yes all folders are in there proper location. I can access all folders and all files are operating properly in there folders.

    I am using windows 7 home deluxe x64

    TY for the advice on the tutorials I have been using them and running back to them for this and that.
    I have already built my world map and I was hoping to make shield markers for different camps on the map.

    I am going to have some question coming up, but I am still looking for the answers and I want to start a new thread for that.
  • a1hamms wrote:
    I am so jazzed about this mapper.

    Right. So am I.
    I did the same steps for C:\Program Files (x86)\nbos\Mapper8\MapArt\Standard Fantasy Symbols\Animals and Monsters File: Dragon1

    then I colored that purple and saved it as Dragon1 purple. both saves were in the parent directory.

    OK. That clears the picture up a bit. But I have to follow with another question: What do you mean by parent directory? C:\Program Files (x86)\nbos\Mapper8\MapArt\Standard Fantasy Symbols\Animals and Monsters?

    If the answer is yes, are the new files saved with the .fmp extension?

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