Displaying multi star systems

edited December 2009 in AstroSynthesis General
Hi, new user here.
So why cant you Show System Diagram for multiple star systems? Its be neat to be able to show the orbits of the Stars and their planets in a Binary system.
I tried to improvise by having the second star as a child of the first star, and then I get the orbit, but its not showing the actual Star image for it.

Also black holes don't appear. I know, they are black and so they are invisible, but for artistic purposes of viewing a system, its be nice if they were visible somehow.

I'm trying to design a Black Hole Binary star system. They do exist IRL, its how most black holes are detected.


  • The next version of Astro will display multiple star systems in the system diagram. This is actually something thats been discussed many a' time on the mailing list. Basically, there is no mathematical means of pre-calculating stable orbits for systems with more than 2 stars. So the implementation of that was being held off until a decent solution could be found.

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