Token Support

I assume you will be supporting Tokens, and facing etc...

Hex's or Squares as an option.



  • Can you clarify what you mean by 'token' support?

    This is a preview edition, so there's still a lot to add (such as hex grids).

  • Token.. the characters I have on the map.... Top Down view.

    There are lots of great Tokens that can be purchased from the web, and are much better to use than just a bust view with no facing.

    I know this is a "Preview Edition", and lots of work to do on the app, but a great start so far. Loving this!

  • There really is no need to buy tokens. The Dundjinni forum members have created more than 1,000 of them. They'll be available in FM8 format soon, when we release the free Vol. 2 of the Dundjinni Archives for FM8.

  • I didn't realize there were tokens in there as well. That'll be a great resource!

  • I don't speak Dundjinni, but if you could point me at a tutorial, I'd love to be able to convert digital photos into "borderless" images.

    I personally want to play miniatures games, but I also have some RPG fans who want to keep using their lovingly painted figure as a token.

    I'm not particularly talented as an artist, but I'm no noob either. I'm sure I can make a few small contributions.

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