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I try to understand IPP3Pro, but the Program don't like me.
I want to do the following: take an option from a prompt and depending of this option give a special modifier.
I tried it so:
` ; pflanzen.ipt
; created 25.08.2017 11:24:13
Prompt: Umgebung {Dschungel|Eiswüste|Flussauen|Gebirge|Kulturland|Steppe|Sumpf|Wald|Waldrand|Wüste|Wüstenrandgebiet} Wald
Formatting: html
Header: <strong>Pflanzensuche</strong>
Footer: <b>copyright: WarFred 2017</b>
Table: flora
Define: location = {prompt1}
set: mod = [#{location} modLocation]
1:Du suchst in folgender Umgebung: {location}.\nModifikator für die Pflanzensuche: {mod}.
MaxReps: 1
Table: modLocation
Type: dictionary
Dschungel: -2
Eiswüste: -5
Flussauen: -1
Gebirge: -1
Kulturland: 1
Steppe: 0
Sumpf: -1
Wald: 2
Waldrand: 1
Wüste: -5
Wüstenrandgebiet: -3`
The result shows this:
` Pflanzensuche
Du suchst in folgender Umgebung: Wald.
Modifikator für die Pflanzensuche: (missing).`
Expression log shows "Missing Table: Wald modLocation"
I do not understand, why IPP tries to combine #{location} modlocation to one table-name despite of getting the modification.
Has someone any idea?
Try without spaces in the Define:
Define: location={prompt1}
Probably just the spaces, as Ed said.
Here is a sample of a large script that I have been working on to accomplish a similar purpose. It uses a user input to call a dictionary table. I used the SET command instead of the DEFINE, but either should work to call the dictionary table.
Important bits are in bold text.
; Horses.ipt
; created 4/14/2017 4:43:34 PM
Header: Horses
Prompt: Settlement Size {hamlet|village|town|city|metropolis} town
Set: Size={$prompt1}
Table: Main
;A variable set [number] to be used in the essential command line of this table.
Set: number=[#{$prompt1} Count]
;A variable set to determine the specialty training modifier for a given Settlement Size.
Set: TrainMod=[#{$prompt1} Train]
;This is the main executable call for the generator.
;It includes a header-type line indicating the number of horses available, and the user value of Settlement Size.
;It then calls the GENDER table for output, repeating the call for the count of horses available.
There are {number} horses for sale in this {$prompt1}.\n\n[@{number}
Gender >> implode]
;This table rolls the number of horses available for sale, per the user entered Settlement Size data.
;It is used in the MAIN table above to call the GENDER table once for each count of horses available.
Table: Count
Type: dictionary
Default: 117 //debug value
hamlet: {1d4} //1-4
village: {1d6 +1} //2-7
town: {1d10 +6} //7-16
city: {10d8} //8-80
metropolis: {20d8} //16-160
Table: Train
Type: dictionary
Default: 117 //debug value
hamlet: 1.25
village: 1.05
town: 0.95
city: 0.8
metropolis: 0.6
Same thing is done with the TRAIN table. Hope the example helps.