Free & Open Vintyri City Block Symbol Presets Released

edited February 2010 in Maps and Symbols

The Vintyri (TM) Project has released a first free and open expansion pack for the Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version of the Vintyri Cartographic Collection. It consists of 144 symbol presets that can be used to fill out city blocks in towns and villages quickly on FM8 maps. The collection has the same raster graphic quality as the individual symbols in the cartographic collection. It was created in conjunction with our FM8 raster mapping tutorial, which we hope to release before the end of this month. The collection contains presets that can be edited directly in FM8, but it contains no symbols as such. FM8 symbol presets have special abilities and special limitations that normal symbols do not have. Therefore, we strongly urge all interested users to download the free and open 26-page PDF that accompanies this release before downloading the four ZIP files with symbol presets. These ZIPs have a size of 40 to 50 MB each for a total of nearly 190 MB. Therefore, it would be helpful to understand these special abilities and limitations before making the large downloads. To download the illustrated and bookmarked PDF (3 MB) and the symbol presets, go to the Cartographic Collection option at:

This material is released under the Open Game License version 1.0a. Please note that because this set contains no JPG or PNG graphics, it cannot be used with other mapping or graphical programs. It can be opened and edited only with FM8.


  • Awesome!

    I'm getting an error when extracting some of the files in the ps1_fm8_V. I redownloaded the zip file and still got the same extraction errors. All the other files extracted without problem.

    I tried out some of the farm blocks and they are working quite well. Some of the residential blocks appeared to be blank or missing buildings.
  • This is the third report like this that I have now. Obviously there was some corruption during the upload. I'm going to pull the files, check them and offer them again for upload as soon as I determine what the problem is. That way, no one will have to download 190 MB for nothing. We ointend to get this fixed, so please just be patient for a day or two.

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