Jörðgarð Map of the Week #336 - Thren's Lair

Map of the Week No. 336 is from the Jörðgarð Trails adventure "In the Salt Mine." It shows the the lair of the demon Thren beneath the salt mine.

Key to the Map of the lair:

  1. The Stairway from Level 4.

  2. Thren's Lair.

  3. The Dwarven Highway.

The graphic above is reduced in size. You can get the full-sized battlemap in two versions:

  1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version in FMP format, fully editable (8.2 MB) from the Jörðgarð website.

  2. As JPG flat map of 1360 x 1020 Pixels (700 KB), available from the NBOS website at:


Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:


Next week: The Dwarven Highway

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