I would like to modify the .ipt file that names stars and systems.

I would like to modify the .ipt file that names stars and systems.
I would like to be able to add a statement and a table so that stars with populated worlds get a canonical name. (Such as Zarathustra, or Darwin or something.), and the name is replicated to the child bodies.
Or just a script add on would be nice :)
Something like.
if (star is populated)
Get [canonicalname]
with a result of something like.
Star: Darwin
Body: DarwinV
My programming expertise is practically non-existent.


  • edited April 2018

    You should be able to do that. There's a {$POPULATED} variable thats set to either 'Populated' or 'NotPopulated', depending on the system population. So you'd make two tables with those names. Then call [@{$POPULATED}] in the main table.

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