2d vs 3d

I am trying to understand better how this program works. Now so far I have come to understand 2d maps X-axis is East and West, Y-axis is North and South. I believe the difference for 3d maps is the inclusion of Z-axis is elevation. However as I was reading a comment in the plugins scripts section it said the only difference is the Y-axis which if I understand is saying 2d maps use a X-axis and Z-axis

"This will sound odd, but why would you want to do that in Astrosynthesis? Traveller maps are two-dimensional - they don't have what would be a y-axis in AS. If you were to enter the sector data, you'd just get a flat sheet."

The only way you'd be able to do that is to calculate the X and Z coordinates of each system relative to an origin (Y = 0 since there's no height in 2D traveller maps), and then import them in as a csv.

My question is the difference between a 2d and 3d map the use of Y-axis and what axis would be North-South and which would be East-West, thanks


  • I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. But the X & Z axis generally represent the surface (horizontal) and the Y axis the vertical (elevation). For why that is, you'll have to read up on 3d graphics.

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