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The table indicated by eachchar can't have spaces in the name. The workaround is easy of course -- removing the spaces -- but I mention it in case someone else runs into this.
The example from the help text works:
table: eachcharexample
[ Necromancer >> eachchar mangle]
table: mangle
[{$1} >> lowercase]
[{$1} >> uppercase]
It gives results like this, as expected: NeCrOManCeR
Normally, IPP lets me get away with spaces in table names, but not, it turns out, with eachchar:
Example with spaces in table names:
table: eachchar example
[ Necromancer >> eachchar mangle this]
table: mangle this
[{$1} >> lowercase]
[{$1} >> uppercase]
It yields (missing)(missing)(missing)(missing)(missing)(missing)(missing)(missing)(missing)(missing)(missing)
The "eachchar example" table name works. The Console tab, however, shows 11 occurrences of Missing Table: mangle
(one per letter passed to eachchar).
In my attempted usage, IPP went spinning off into an infinite loop until it crashed, so I didn't have the chance to see any Missing Table messages. I don't know how that happened, but once I removed the space from the table name, it worked as intended.
Yep, this is a good hint. IPP should probably not allow tables with spaces at all, just to prevent the weird confusions they create when its trying to decide if something is meant as a table or table & parameter.