A Few Problems

I'm using the sheet designer and I noticed a few glitches and have some questions..

1.) The print toolbar button doesn't work in the sheet designer. I can print from file for some reason though.

2.) I'm having a lot of trouble with the text edit fields. I can't select them with the pointer to edit them and they often don't draw in the right spot.

3.) Does the designer come with any sample sheets? If so where are they.

4.) The font select doesn't want to work sometimes. Also, I can't type in the font name for the font I want to use, just the first letter of it.

5.) What does the ak buttun do that is next to the image select button?

6.) The text alignment button's aren't aligning the text.

7.) How do you add a fill to the background or a section of the text. I want to have 2 llines of the sheet I'm working on to have a black backgrond and use a white color font so they stand out.



  • Update on my last post.

    I got answers and fixes for a few things.

    2.) I found out that edit text box problem can be fixed by using the area select tool and the pointer. The boxes have a bad habit of inverting, collapsing on top of each other, or moving in a way so they are tough to edit. By using aselect tool and the pointer. I can find the text edit field, and do the resizing and movements need to fix the problem with the pointer, after I go back and just area select the little blue box or boxes that is the problem.

    3.) The designer does have a smple sheet. It is in the program folder the designer installed in. That was a big help.

    6.) Did a reinstall and that issue vanished.

    7.) Found out how to do what I wanted by looking at the sample sheet.

    Noticed another bug. The save and Install file option doesn't work fully. The sheets are saved but not installed. I have to use the viewer to open the designed sheet and install it.

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