Lists-related issues

I've noticed that it is apparently not possible to "unpick" lists in the Designer. The only way to "clear" the list is to select a field that has no (or cannot have, such as a line or box) list associated with it. This is at best annoyingly counterintuitive. As a side effect, a field which has been associated with a list will remain a list: it is as far as I can tell not possible to set it as a text field again even if there are no lists at all in the sheet.

Furthermore, the "Open list" of the Viewer has a bug (at least under my Windows XP build). It allows only one character to be typed (or only one use of the backspace key) before entering the data, and you have to reclick the field for every additional characters to be typed or sequence to be erased. This was noted and asked about back in February.


  • Has there been any solution to this issue? There seems to be a few others with lists but the one mentioned by the original poster is probably the most offensive. Being unable to make any viable use of entering in your own entries into a list really kind of defeats the purpose of the feature. I've been looking into seeing how I can use javascript to return the focus to the selected element and automatically put it to the end of the string but haven't gotten a working implementation yet.

    Some other oddities about lists in general is the automatic sorting 'feature' of the list regardless of the order in which the data that makes up the list is entered. Overall it's fairly minor but it seems since this is a designer either it should preserve the list order based the order of the data. If it was intended to automatically sort data, then this feature should have a way to turn it off. Needing to have a list of 08, 09, 10, 11, etc because 10 and 11 will combat before 8 or 9 is just silly.

    Overall though I really like this software, I've been playing around with creating a character sheet for an RPG a team i'm on is developing and have found this to be very easy to pick up. As nifty as it is however I'd love to see improvements with this software as there a lot of quality of life changes that could be made, but for a free software it's very impressive. I wish there was a paid version that had additional features.

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