Goblin API or something else planned?

So I have my nice wonderful fractal world created. So now I want to:

1) refer to places on the map using an easy-to-use location system that is part of an API to the map itself.
2) Be able to "gridify" the map and have the grid spaces correspond to the easy-to-use location system.
3) place objects on the map using the easy-to-use location system.
4) place objects on the map according to a rich search filter that locates terrain features/situations.
5) express arbitrary zones on the map both through the api and visually with easy toggles to turn these zones off and on.
6) move objects across the map using pathing algorythms that take account of roads, rivers, mode of locomotion, weather,etc.
7) Be able to "describe" or "data load" the grid spaces with my own information and retrieve that information through the api.
8) Some way to load your API in with my code in an Eclipse or similar IDE to use your maps with my Java code.

There is more but you get the idea. I have a very detailed fantasy campaign and I want all of these features to track my game.

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