OD&D Sword table

I run a predominately 1st edition DnD game and there seems to be a lethargy of computerized tools available to generate decent swords w/ checks for intelligence and powers etc, so I decided to try my hand at making one.

This is based on the 1st ED DMG swords table. It took me a few hours to whip this up; I'll be working to add the 1st ED UA blades into it as well. I currently don't have the Languages, Ego or Personality Strength, the deck references seem to occasionally spit out matching powers and I haven't figured out how to allow for power selection on the fly, but it's getting late and I have to be up in the AM.

Anyway here they are. If you think you can use them, please feel free!

First the Swords.ipt file:
Use: IntelligentWeapons.ipt

Table: Swords
Header: Sword
Type: Lookup
01-25: +1 [@SwordType&;#93; |400xpv|2,000gpv&
26-30: +1 [@SwordType&;#93;, +2 vs. Magic-Using & Enchanted Creatures|600xpv|3,000gpv&
31-35: +1 [@SwordType&;#93;, +3 vs. Lycanthropes & Shape changers|700xpv|3,500gpv&
36-40: +1 [@SwordType&;#93;, +3 vs. Regenerating creatures|800xpv|4,000gpv&
41-45: +1 [@SwordType&;#93;, +4 vs. Reptiles|800xpv|4,000gpv&
46-49: +1 [@SwordType&;#93; Flame Tongue:\n&
       +2 vs. Regenerating creatures\n&
       +3 vs. Cold-using, inflammable, or avian creaturs\n&
       +4 vs. Undead|900xpv|4,500gpv&
50:    +1 [@SwordType&;#93; Luck Blade|1,000xpv|5,000gpv&
51-58: +2 [@SwordType&;#93; |800xpv|4,000gpv&
59-62: +2 [@SwordType&;#93; Giant Slayer|900xpv|4,500gpv&
63-66: +2 [@SwordType&;#93; Dragon Slayer|900xpv|4,500gpv&
67:    +2 [@SwordType&;#93; Nine Lives Stealer|1,600xpv|8,000gpv&
68-71: +3 [@SwordType&;#93; |1,400xpv|7,000gpv&
72-74: +4 [@SwordType&;#93; Frost Brand:\n&
       +6 vs. Fire using/dwelling creatures|1,600xpv|8,000gpv&
75-76: +4 [@SwordType&;#93; |2,000xpv|10,000gpv&
77:    +4 [@SwordType&;#93; Defender|3,000xpv|15,000gpv&
78:    +5 [@SwordType&;#93; |3,000xpv|15,000gpv&
79:    +5 [@SwordType&;#93; Defender |3,600xpv|18,000gpv&
80:    +5 [@SwordType&;#93; Holy Avenger |4,000xpv|20,000gpv&
81:    Dancing [@SwordType&;#93; |4,400xpv|22,000gpv&
82:    Wounding [@SwordType&;#93; |4,400xpv|22,000gpv&
83:    Life Stealer [@SwordType&;#93; |5,000xpv|25,000gpv&
84:    [@SwordType&;#93; of Sharpness |7,000xpv|35,000gpv&
85:    Vorpal [@SwordType&;#93; |10,000xpv|50,000gpv&
86-90: +1 Cursed [@SwordType&;#93; |400xpv|0gpv&
91-95: -2 Cursed [@SwordType&;#93; |600xpv|0gpv&
96-100: Cursed Beserking [@SwordType&;#93; |900xpv|0gpv&

Table: SwordType
1-69: Long sword
70-90: Broad sword
91-95: Short sword
96-99: Bastard sword
100: Two-Handed sword

Now the IntelligentWeapons.ipt file:
Table: SwordSpecialAbilities
Header: [b]Unusual Swords:[/b]
Type: Lookup
Set: Purpose = empty
Set: Align = empty
Set: PrimeCount = 0
Set: ExtraCount = 0
Roll: 1d100
76-83: [Int: ]] underline] 12 \n&
       [Align: ]] underline] [@Align=Weapon Alignment]\n&
       [Communication: ]] underline] none \n&
       [Abilities: ]] underline] [!Primary Abilities with false]] implode] \n&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose: ]] underline] {$Purpose}\n[end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose Power: ]] underline] [@Purpose Power]\n&
       [*Upon scoring a hit with the weapon unless the opponent makes a saving throw versus magic. ]] italic]\n&
       [**The power will operate only in pursuit of the special purpose. ]] italic][end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][@Purpose== empty][end]&
       {!PrimeCount == 0}&
       {!ExtraCount == 0}
84-89: [Int: ]] underline] 13 \n&
       [Align: ]] underline] [@Align=Weapon Alignment] \n&
       [Communication: ]] underline] semi-empathy* \n&
       [Abilities: ]] underline] [!2 Primary Abilities with false]] implode] \n&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose: ]] underline] {$Purpose}\n[end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose Power: ]] underline] [@Purpose Power]\n&
       [*Upon scoring a hit with the weapon unless the opponent makes a saving throw versus magic. ]] italic]\n&
       [**The power will operate only in pursuit of the special purpose. ]] italic][end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][@Purpose== empty][end]&
       {!PrimeCount == 0}&
       {!ExtraCount == 0}
90-94: [Int: ]] underline]: 14 \n&
       [Align: ]] underline] [@Align=Weapon Alignment] \n&
       [Communication: ]] underline] empathy \n&
       [Abilities: ]] underline] [!2 Primary Abilities with false]] implode] \n&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose: ]] underline] {$Purpose}\n[end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose Power: ]] underline] [@Purpose Power]\n&
       [*Upon scoring a hit with the weapon unless the opponent makes a saving throw versus magic. ]] italic]\n&
       [**The power will operate only in pursuit of the special purpose. ]] italic][end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][@Purpose== empty][end]&
       {!PrimeCount == 0}&
       {!ExtraCount == 0}
95-97: [Int: ]] underline]: 15 \n&
       [Align: ]] underline] [@Align=Weapon Alignment] \n&
       [Communication: ]] underline] speech** \n&
       [Abilities: ]] underline] [!3 Primary Abilities with false]] implode] \n&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose: ]] underline] {$Purpose}\n[end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose Power: ]] underline] [@Purpose Power]\n&
       [*Upon scoring a hit with the weapon unless the opponent makes a saving throw versus magic. ]] italic]\n&
       [**The power will operate only in pursuit of the special purpose. ]] italic][end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][@Purpose== empty][end]&
       {!PrimeCount == 0}&
       {!ExtraCount == 0}
98-99: [Int: ]] underline]: 16 \n&
       [Align: ]] underline] [@Align=Weapon Alignment] \n&
       [Communication: ]] underline] speech** \n&
       [Abilities: ]] underline] [!3 Primary Abilities with false]] implode] \n&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose: ]] underline] {$Purpose}\n[end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose Power: ]] underline] [@Purpose Power]\n&
       [*Upon scoring a hit with the weapon unless the opponent makes a saving throw versus magic. ]] italic]\n&
       [**The power will operate only in pursuit of the special purpose. ]] italic][end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][@Purpose== empty][end]&
       {!PrimeCount == 0}&
       {!ExtraCount == 0}
100:   [Int: ]] underline]: 17 \n&
       [Align: ]] underline] [@Align=Weapon Alignment] \n&
       [Communication: ]] underline] speech and telepathy*** \n&
       [Abilities: ]] underline] [!3 Primary Abilities with false]] implode], [@Extraordinary Powers with false] \n&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose: ]] underline] {$Purpose}\n[end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][Special Purpose Power: ]] underline] [@Purpose Power]\n&
       [*Upon scoring a hit with the weapon unless the opponent makes a saving throw versus magic. ]] italic]\n&
       [**The power will operate only in pursuit of the special purpose. ]] italic][end]&
       [when not]{$Purpose} = empty [do][@Purpose== empty][end]&
       {!PrimeCount == 0}&
       {!ExtraCount == 0}

Table: Weapon Alignment
Type: Deck
Roll: 1d100
01-05: Chaotic Good
06-15: Chaotic Neutral*
16-20: Chaotic Evil
21-25: Neutral Evil*
26-30: Lawful Evil
31-55: Lawful Good
56-60: Lawful Neutral*
61-80: Neutral (Absolute)
81-100: Neutral Good*

Table: Primary Abilities
Type: Lookup
Set: Recurse = $1
Roll: 1d100
01-11: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Detect "elevator"/shifting rooms/walls in a 1" radius
12-22: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Detect sloping passages in a 1" radius
23-33: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Detect traps of large size in a 1" radius
34-44: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Detect evil/good in a 1" radius
45-55: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Detect precious metals, kind, and amount in a 2" radius
56-66: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Detect gems, kind, and number in a 1/2" radius
67-77: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Detect magic in a 1" radius
78-82: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Detect secret doors in a 1/2" radius
83-87: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Detect invisible objects in a 1" radius
88-92: P{!PrimeCount={$PrimeCount}+1}: Locate object in a 12" radius
93-98: [when]{$Recurse} = true[do][@Primary Abilities with false][else][!2 Primary Abilities with true ]] implode][end]
99-100: [when]{$Recurse}= true[do][@Primary Abliites with false][else][@Extraordinary Powers with false][end]

Table: Extraordinary Powers
Type: Lookup
Set: Recurse = $1
Roll: 1d100
01-07: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Charm person on contact - 3 times/day
08-15: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Clairoudience, 3" range-3 times/day 1 round per use
16-22: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Clairvoyance, 3" range - 3 times/day, 1 round per use
29-34: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Determine directions and depth - 2 times/day
35-41: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: ESP, 3" ronge - 3 times/day 1 round per use
42-47: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Flying, 12"/turn - 1 hour/day
55-61: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Heal - 1 time/day
23-28: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Illusion, 12" range - 2 times/day, as the wand
48-54: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Levitation, 1 turn duration - 3 times/day ot 6th level of magic use ability
62-67: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Strength - 1 time/day (upon wielder only)
68-75: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Telekinesis, 2,500 g.p. wt. maximum - 2 times/day, 1 round each use
76-81: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Telepathy, 6" range - 2 times/day
82-88: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: Teleportation - 1 time/day 6,000 g.p. wt. maximum, 2 segments to activate
89-94: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: X-ray vision, 4" range - 2 times/day 1 turn per use
95-96: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: ~~~CHOOSE ONE E~~~
97: E{!ExtraCount={$ExtraCount}+1}: ~~~CHOOSE ONE E~~~ [@Purpose==Special Purpose]
98-100: [when]{$Recurse}=true[do][@Extraordinary Powers with false][else][!2 Extraordinary Powers with true ]] implode][end]

Table: Special Purpose
Type: Lookup
Roll: 1d100
01-10:  [when]{$Align} = Chaotic Good[do]Defeat Lawful Evil [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Neutral*[do]Defeat Lawful [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Evil[do]Slay Lawful Good [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral Evil*[do]Slay Good [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Evil[do]Slay Chaotic Good [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Good[do]Defeat Chaotic Evil [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Neutral*[do]Defeat Chaotic [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral (Absolute)[do]Slay Extreme Alignment (LE, CE, CG, LG) [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral Good*[do]Defeat Evil [end]&
11-20: Kill clerics
21-30: Kill fighters
31-40: Kill magic-users
41-50: Kill thieves
51-55: Kill [bards|monks]
56-65: Overthrow &
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Good[do]Law [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Neutral*[do]Law [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Evil[do]Law [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Good[do]Chaos [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Neutral*[do]Chaos [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Evil[do]Chaos [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral Good*[do]Law or Chaos[end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral (Absolute)[do]Law or Chaos[end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral Evil*[do]Law or Chaos[end]
66-75: Slay &
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Good[do]Evil [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral Good*[do]Evil [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Good[do]Evil [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Evil[do]Good [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral Evil*[do]Good [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Evil[do]Good [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Neutral*[do]Good or Evil[end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral (Absolute)[do]Good or Evil[end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Neutral*[do]Good or Evil [end]
76-100: Slay non-human &
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Good[do]Neutral or Evil [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Chaotic Evil[do]Neutral or Good [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Good[do]Neutral or Evil [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Lawful Evil[do]Neutral or Good [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral Good*[do]Neutral or Evil [end]&
	[when]{$Align} = Neutral Evil*[do]Neutral or Good [end]&

Table: Purpose Power
Type: Lookup
Roll: 1d100
01-10: Blindness* for 2-1 2 rounds
11-20: Confusion* for 2-12 rounds
21-25: Disintegrate*
26-55: Fear* for 1-4 rounds
56-65: Insanity* for 1-4 rounds
66-80: Paralysis* for 1-4 rounds
81-100: +2 on all saving throws, -1 on each die of damage sustained

And here's a sampling of the output:

+4 Long sword |2,000xpv|10,000gpv

+2 Broad sword |800xpv|4,000gpv

+3 Long sword |1,400xpv|7,000gpv

+1 Cursed Short sword |400xpv|0gpv

Dancing Long sword |4,400xpv|22,000gpv Int: 12
Align: Neutral Good*
Communication: none
Abilities: P1: Locate object in a 12" radius

+1 Long sword, +3 vs. Lycanthropes & Shape changers|700xpv|3,500gpv

+1 Long sword, +2 vs. Magic-Using & Enchanted Creatures|600xpv|3,000gpv

+1 Long sword |400xpv|2,000gpv Int: 13
Align: Chaotic Neutral*
Communication: semi-empathy*
Abilities: P1: Detect evil/good in a 1" radius, P2: Detect traps of large size in a 1" radius

+1 Long sword |400xpv|2,000gpv Int:: 15
Align: Neutral Good*
Communication: speech**
Abilities: P1: Detect "elevator"/shifting rooms/walls in a 1" radius, P2: Detect evil/good in a 1" radius, P3: Detect traps of large size in a 1" radius

+1 Long sword |400xpv|2,000gpv

+5 Broad sword Defender |3,600xpv|18,000gpv Int:: 17
Align: Neutral (Absolute)
Communication: speech and telepathy***
Abilities: P1: Detect gems, kind, and number in a 1/2" radius, P2: Detect evil/good in a 1" radius, P3: Detect precious metals, kind, and amount in a 2" radius, E1: Teleportation - 1 time/day 6,000 g.p. wt. maximum, 2 segments to activate

+1 Long sword, +3 vs. Lycanthropes & Shape changers|700xpv|3,500gpv Int:: 16
Align: Chaotic Neutral*
Communication: speech**
Abilities: P1: Detect traps of large size in a 1" radius, P2: Detect gems, kind, and number in a 1/2" radius, E1: Charm person on contact - 3 times/day

+1 Long sword |400xpv|2,000gpv Int:: 17
Align: Lawful Good
Communication: speech and telepathy***
Abilities: P1: Detect sloping passages in a 1" radius, P2: Detect sloping passages in a 1" radius, P3: Detect secret doors in a 1/2" radius, E1: ~~~CHOOSE ONE E~~~
Special Purpose: Slay non-human Neutral or Evil monsters
Special Purpose Power: +2 on all saving throws, -1 on each die of damage sustained
*Upon scoring a hit with the weapon unless the opponent makes a saving throw versus magic.
**The power will operate only in pursuit of the special purpose.

+1 Broad sword, +3 vs. Regenerating creatures|800xpv|4,000gpv

+1 Broad sword |400xpv|2,000gpv Int:: 15
Align: Lawful Good
Communication: speech**
Abilities: P1: Detect sloping passages in a 1" radius, P2: Detect evil/good in a 1" radius, P3: Detect precious metals, kind, and amount in a 2" radius

+1 Long sword, +4 vs. Reptiles|800xpv|4,000gpv Int:: 17
Align: Neutral Evil*
Communication: speech and telepathy***
Abilities: P1: Detect "elevator"/shifting rooms/walls in a 1" radius, P2: Detect sloping passages in a 1" radius, P3: Detect precious metals, kind, and amount in a 2" radius, P4: Locate object in a 12" radius, E1: ~~~CHOOSE ONE E~~~
Special Purpose: Kill thieves
Special Purpose Power: Confusion* for 2-12 rounds
*Upon scoring a hit with the weapon unless the opponent makes a saving throw versus magic.
**The power will operate only in pursuit of the special purpose.


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