Are there any ways to denote on planets what year they were colonized, and have the sector date filter if a world is shown at that date or not?
Trying out AS to use it as a database for my BattleTech universe stuff, but I need it to be able to take into account when worlds were colonized (and in some cases, even re-colonized after the first colonization ended)..
Is this doable in AS?
I'm having trouble searching the custom fields. As a test I created "Industry" as a custom field in sector properties and it shows up as it should in terrestial planets. But how would a search for planets with "Industry" set to "Recreation" look like?
'Industry=Reacreation' gives me 'Unknown search term near " industry"'...
But it does show correctly in System Data.
Also in the query "Name = planetname, show Industry" the Industry-column shows up empty.
Any tips?