Fractal World Explorer panel size

After working with Fractal Mapper 8 and working up a large-format export plugin for a friend, he's asked me to pose this:

He loves Fractal World Explorer. He wants to use FWE to generate static background elevation contour submaps for his global map. He seems to feel that the default maximum working size of 2880c1440 is too small. Since I don't use either program (I have only the Trial version that I developed the plugin with), I have no idea how that FWE map size relates to his global map. I suspect that he feels that it would mean too many submaps to work with.

So... similar to my first question regarding FM8: can Fractal World Explorer be tickled into working with larger map sizes?



  • Thats the largest size it will randomly generate. But if you import a dem or other elevation file, I believe FWE will handle that.

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