Data duplication issue...

After trying out an earlier plug-in that was to add GURPS data to the planetary records, I discovered that it had not only crashed without doing what it was supposed to, but it created duplicate planetary records. I started going through system by system and manually removing the duplicate planets, but this is both tedious and time consuming. Is there a way to write a script that will purge out duplicates? I would have gone back to an earlier saved version, but I had done so much work before realizing the damage that had been done.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • You can certainly do that, but its going to depend on how duplicated the systems are. Are they separate entries with the same name, or do they have duplicate IDStrings. If they have duplcate IDStrings it'll be easier since you can just check for that.
  • Unfortunately, each of the worlds which were duplicated have unique IDs. I've just been manually going through system by system and deleting the duplicates. It has been a painful lesson to backup data BEFORE making and changes. Having been in the I.T. industry for over 15 years and having preached this to many clients, I have now realized I had better practice what I have been preaching. ;-)

    On the plus side, I am taking time to look over each system as I go through it and am adding notes as inspiration hits me while reading through the data. It is proving to be a mixed blessing.

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