
I was looking over the sample character sheet's script file and noticed there was a function called evalDice. I was wondering if there was any documentation on what this function was capable of. It looks like it's something native to the code yet the help section as well as these forums from what I have seen don't offer any information about this function. I appears to be able to handle a string in the format of something like "5d8+7" and return a randomly generated number between 12-47 with what I assume would be a distribution that matches that of actual dice rolls. This seems like a nice little helper function but I was just curious what else, if any thing, it is capable of. I was also curious why there is no mention of this in any of the documentation?

On a side note I have to say I really think this is a cool easy to use generator. I really think this is an awesome product.


  • There's a couple dice related functions, not sure how they didnt make it into the docs.

    EvalDice( string)
    takes a string like "4d6+4". The format has to be "N d N (+/-) N". I believe the modifier can be left out, like "4d6".

    RollDice( int, int, int)
    Basically the same thing as above. The parameters are number of dice, type of die, and the modifier.

    And then there's

    d2(), d4(), d6(), d8(), d10(), d12(), d20(), d30(), and d100()

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