With the 165th Map of the Week, we take a look at Lemminkäinen's Tower, home of Karelenland's legendary light elven wizard-warrior Prince Lemminkäinen and his magicschool.
The map shows the center of the city as it appears in the warm season. In the winter it
usually is covered by snow. This is an area 1,800 x 1,200 feet/540 x 360 meters in size. The complete city is about 2,400 x 1,800 feet/720 x 540 meters in size. It has no city wall, but low, scrubby hills to the east and west of the
river limit its possibilities for construction in those directions. Most buildings that are of significance to PC groups are within the mapped city center area. The buildings in the outer parts of town are mostly residential or farm structures.
SECTION A: Isle of the Magi.
1. Warehouse
2. Training Towers.
3. Main School Building and Library.
4. Woodshed.
5. Student Dormitories.
6. Quarters of the teachers and administration.
7. House of the Muse Theater.
8. The House That Isn't (public house).
9. Ferry docks.
SECTION B: Isle of the Prince.
10. Sorcerers Tower.
11. Guest Houses.
12. White Necromancers Tower.
13. Summoners Tower.
14. Lemminkäinen's Palace.
15. Lemminkäinen's Tower.
16. Seers' Tower.
17. Library and Dining Halls.
18. Illusionists' Tower.
19. Wizards' Tower.
SECTION C: Isle of the Artisans.
20. Darkmouth Windmill.
21. Butcher Antti.
22. Pinja's Bakery.
23. Ismo's Smithy.
24. Wainwright Niilo.
25. Risto's Sawmill.
26. Communal Brewery.
27. Millstream.
28. Dark (Tumma) River.
29. Dam.
30. Millpond.

West Bank.
31. Semaphore Complex
32. Fishermen's Docks
33. City Hall Complex
34. Darkmouth Tavern
35. Boat Works
36. Anchor Tavern
37. West Bank Inn
38. Pietari the Sage
39. Seamstress Lyyli
40. Chandler Onni
41. Rauha's Arrows
42. Butcher Kivi
43. Sunset's Glow Tavern
44. Commercial Dock
45. Fishermen's Docks
46. Lighthouse
47. North Tower
48. Northgate - North Garrison
49. Missing.
50. Warehouses
51. Sword and Anchor Tavern
52. Tumma Mouth Fish Packing
53. Market Pub
54. Marketplace
55. Seamstress Rauha
56. Market Inn
57. North Garrison
58. North Garrison Stables
59. North Garrison Headquarters
60. North Garrison Post Command
61. North Garrison Training Field
62. Riina's General Store
63. Tinker Aulis
64. House of Healing
65. Paavo's House
66. Road to Väinämöinen's Dock
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1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version in FMP format, fully editable (63 MB) from the Jörðgarð website.
2. As a JPG flat map of 1360 Pixels x 910 Pixels (630 MB), available from the NBOS website at:
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Next Week: Karelenland - Ilmarinen's Forge