Chopping a landmass in half

Hi, not sure if this has been answered (looked, but did not see anything related). I have a map which is already mostly complete landmass wise, but I've decided to try to chop part of it in half and create a lowland sea in between the continents. My map was based off a map of pangea and is not using fractals much. My sea is a fractal for now, but what I want to do is basically cut the landmass and create two separate continents The pinkish are is going to be my new sea. I have tried merging, grouping, and using the exclude command, but none of these give me what I want. Is there any way to connect the nodes to each other or cut them in a way. Even if I have to create new ones afterwards, I can.


  • so I sort of found a cheat to fix my problem. Here is a picture of my land as fixed. Basically I switched the outline to "clear" instead of "solid. Thanks to everyone who looked at my post.
  • Philobytes wrote:
    I have tried merging, grouping, and using the exclude command, but none of these give me what I want.

    I've never tried to do what you're doing, so I'm not able to give you a complete answer. However, it appears that your objects have raster fills. Some of the commands that you mention above work only with solid color fills. The solution is to fill the objects with solid colors, execute the commands and then give them the raster fills afterwards.
  • Mark, thanks for your reply. I think you're right about the raster. I started with a png image which I somehow (been a long time ago when I first started using the program) imported and then made into a layer. I think what I've got works for now, definitely an interesting and great program. This is in fact my first map and as a learning project is taking a long time to complete. But it's fun too. :) again thanks for your help.

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