This is a section of a larger random monster generator I am working on for Numenera. This part takes the level variable established earlier in generation and compares it with a 1d10 roll. If the roll is less than the level, the generator proceeds to make picks from the powers list equal to the difference. I've almost gotten it working a couple times, but I think there must be something fundamental in the syntax that I'm not understanding. Thanks in advance for any help or pointers anyone can give.
; test.ipt
; created 7/22/2014 1:00:12 PM
set: level={1d10}
set: power={1d10}
Table: powerchance
{if ({power}<={level}, [!{({level}-{power})} powers >> implode], 'None')}
table: powers
drains might
drains speed
drains intelect
absorbs damage
acid blood
Personally, I've always found the "if" syntax to be a little flaky. Possibly it's just a lack of understanding on my part. Regardless, InspirationPad provides an alternate syntax, "when". Here's how I was able to get your code running using "when".
Some notes: I added the "{power} {level}" bit at the beginning of the line just to see that the code was doing what I wanted. You can delete that part painlessly. Also, for whatever reason the "<=" symbol didn't work right, so instead I went with "<" and just added 1 to the level. Kludgy, but it got the job done.
It's odd that "when" works in the same situation that "if" doesn't. Is there anything "if" does particularly well?
Also, I have nothing against kludge as long as it works!
Thanks again.