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Table: DF Orc Set: Skills =[@{$Class}Skills&#93; Set: Class =[@Class&#93; Set: ST ={! ({1d3+9} + [#1 {$Class}Bonus])} set: DX ={! ({1d3+8} + [#2 {$Class}Bonus])} set: IQ ={! ({1d3+7} + [#3 {$Class}Bonus])} set: HT ={! ({1d3+9} + [#4 {$Class}Bonus])} set: HP ={! ({$ST} + [#5 {$Class}Bonus])} set: Speed ={! (({$HT} + {$DX}) /4) + [#6 {$Class}Bonus]} set: Will ={! {$IQ} + [#7 {$Class}Bonus]} set: Move ={! floor(({$HT} + {$DX}) /4) + [#8 {$Class}Bonus]} set: Per ={! {$IQ} + [#9 {$Class}Bonus]} set: FP ={! {$HT} + [#10 {$Class}Bonus]} set: Dodge = {! floor({$Speed})+3} set: Parry = {! floor({$DX} /2)+3} <table border="0"><tr><td><b>Orc</b></td><td>{$Class}</td></tr><tr><td>ST: {$ST}</td><td>HP: {$HP}</td><td>Speed: {$Speed}</td></tr><tr><td>DX: {$DX} </td><td>Will: {$Will}</td><td>Move: {$Move}</td></tr><tr><td>IQ: {$IQ}</td><td>Per:{$Per}</td></tr><tr><td>HT: {$HT}</td><td>FP: {$FP}</td><td>SM: 0</td></tr><tr><td>Dodge: {$Dodge}</td><td>Parry: {$Parry}</td><td>DR: 0</td></tr></table><br><b>Armor:</b> [@Armor&#93;\n<b>Weapons:</b> <li>[!Weapons]</li>,[!{$Class}Weapons >> <li></li>]\n<b>Traits:</b> [!5 {$Class}Traits >> implode >> sort]\n<b>Skills:</b> [!10 {$Class}Skills >> implode >> sort] EndTable: Table: Class Archer Bandit Barbarian Hedge Wizard Knight Mage Scout Thief EndTable: Table: Weapons [when] {ST} > 1 [do]<b>Whip:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]-2 >> +-]} cr; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+1} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 1 [do]<b>Unarmed:</b> Kick: [#{ST} ThrustDamage][#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] cr; SL: {({DX}-2) + {[SL]}; Punch: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [[#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier]-1 >> +-]} cr; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; SL: {{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}}[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Dagger:</b> Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [[#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier] -1 >> +-]} imp; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3};SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93;<li>[#6 Rangedweapons]</li> [end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Bone Knife:</b> Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [[#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier] +1 >> +-]} cut; Reach: C Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3};SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Small Sword:</b> Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{[[#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier] +1 >> +-]} imp; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3};SL: {({DX}) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Small Knife:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]-3 >> +-]} Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]} imp; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3} [@QualityWeapons&#93;<li>[#5 Rangedweapons]</li>[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Rope Dart:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]-1 >> +-]} cr; Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} imp; Reach: 1-4; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+1} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Chain Whip:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier] + {1d4} >> +-]} cr; Reach: 1-4; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+1} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Knife-Wheel:</b> Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [[#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier] +1 >> +-]} cut; Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] -1} imp; Reach: C; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3};SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Stiletto:</b> Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [[#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier] -1 >> +-]} imp; Reach: C; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3};SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Short Baton:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]-1 >> +-]} cr; Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage][#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] cr; Reach: C,1 Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+2}; SL: {{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} [@{1d3} QualityWeapons][end] [when] {ST} > 5 [do]<b>Large Knife:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]-2 >> +-]} Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} imp; Parry: {floor (({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3} [@QualityWeapons&#93;<li>[#16 Rangedweapons]</li>[end] [when] {ST} > 6 [do]<b>ShortStaff:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage][#{ST} SwingDamageModifier >> +-] cr; Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage][#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] cr; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@{1d3} QualityWeapons][end] [when] {ST} > 6 [do]<b>Quarterstaff:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]+2 >> +-]} Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +1} cr; Reach: 1,2 Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+5};SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 7 [do]<b>Hatchet:</b> [#{ST} SwingDamage][#{ST} SwingDamageModifier >> +-] cut, Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; Acc 1; Range: { {ST} *15}/{{ST} *25}; SL: {{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}}[@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 8 [do]<b>Shortsword:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage][#{ST} SwingDamageModifier >> +-] cut; Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage][#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] imp; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 8 [do]<b>Spear:</b> Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [[#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier] +2 >> +-]} imp; Thrust (2 hands): [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +3} imp; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3};SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93; [end] [when] {ST} > 9 [do]<b>Broadsword:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]+1 >> +-]} cr; Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage][#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] cr; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@{1d3} QualityWeapons][end] [when] {ST} > 10 [do]<b>Small Mace:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]+2 >> +-]} cr; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@{1d3} QualityWeapons][end] [when] {ST} > 10 [do]<b>Bastardsword:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]+1 >> +-]} cut; Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +1} cr; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3};SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93; [end] [when] {ST} > 10 [do]<b>Axe:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]+2 >> +-]} cut; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3};SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93; [end] [when] {ST} > 10 [do]<b>Jian:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage][#{ST} SwingDamageModifier >> +-] cut Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [[#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier]+1 >> +-]} imp; Reach: 1,2 Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 11 [do]<b>Mace:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]+3 >> +-]} cr; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3} SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@{1d3} QualityWeapons][end] [when] {ST} > 11 [do]<b>Morningstar:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier]+3 >> +-]} cr; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@{1d3} QualityWeapons][end] [when] {ST} > 12 [do]<b>Greatsword:</b> Swung: [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [[#{ST} SwingDamageModifier ]+3 >> +-]} cut; Thrust: [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +2} cr; Parry: {floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3};SL: {({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93; [end] EndTable: Table: RangedWeapons \z [when] {ST} > 1 [do]<b>Blowpipe:</b> 1d-3 pi-; Acc 1; Range: { {ST} *4}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(2); SL: {({DX}-6) + {[@SL&#93;}}[#2 QualityWeapons][end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Atlatl with Dart:</b> [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [#{ST} SwingDamageModifier >> +-] -1} imp; Acc 0; Range: { {ST} *3}/{ {ST} *4}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(1); ST: 5; SL: { ({DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}}[@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Atlatl with Javelin:</b> [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [#{ST} SwingDamageModifier >> +-] +1} imp; Acc 0; Range: { {ST} *2}/{ {ST} *3}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(1); ST: 5; SL: { ({DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}}[@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Small Knife, Thrown:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] -1} imp; Acc 0; Range: { {ST} *0.8}/{ {ST} *1}; RoF: 1; Shots: T(1); SL: { ({DX} -4) + {[@SL&#93;}}[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>Dagger, Thrown:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] -1} imp; Acc 0; Range: { {ST} *0.8}/{ {ST} *1}; RoF: 1; Shots: T(1); SL: { ({DX} -4) + {[@SL&#93;}}[end] [when] {ST} > 4 [do]<b>\Shuriken:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] -1} imp; Acc 1; Range: { {ST} *0.5}/{ {ST} *1}; RoF: 1; Shots: T(1); SL: { ({DX} -4) + {[@SL&#93;}}[end] [when] {ST} > 5 [do]<b>Large Knife, Thrown:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]} imp; Acc 0; Range: { {ST} *0.8}/{ {ST} *1.5}; RoF: 1; Shots: T(1); SL: { ({DX} -4) + {[@SL&#93;}}[end] [when] {ST} > 5 [do]<b>Sling:</b> [#{ST} SwingDamage]{ [#{ST} SwingDamageModifier >> +-]} pi; Acc 0; Range: { {ST} *6}/{ {ST} *10}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(2); ST: 6; SL: { ({DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}}[@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 6 [do]<b>Short Bow:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]} imp; Acc 1; Range: { {ST} *10}/{ {ST} *15}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(2); ST: 7†; SL: { ({DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}}[@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 6 [do]<b>Crossbow:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +4} imp; Acc 4; Range: { {6d2-4} *20}/{ {6d2-4} *25}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(4); ST: 7†; SL: { ({DX}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}}[@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 6 [do]<b>Pistol Crossbow:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +2} imp; Acc 1; Range: { {6d2-4} *15}/{ {6d2-4} *20}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(4); ST: 7†; SL: { ({DX}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}}[@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 7 [do]<b>Bolas:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] -1} cr; Acc 0; Range: { {ST} *3}; RoF: 1; Shots: T(1); SL: {{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}}[end] [when] {ST} > 8 [do]<b>Spear <small>Thrown</small>:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage >> +-]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier] +3} imp; Acc 2; Range: { {ST} *1}/{ {ST} *1.5}; RoF: 1; Shots: T(1); SL: { ({DX} -4) + {[@SL&#93;}}[end] [when] {ST} > 8 [do]<b>Javelin:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +1} imp; Acc 3; Range: { {ST} *1.5}/{ {ST} *2.5}; RoF: 1; Shots: T(1); SL: { ({DX} -4) + {[@SL&#93;}}[end] [when] {ST} > 9 [do]<b>Regular Bow:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +1} imp; Acc 2; Range: { {ST} *15}/{ {ST} *20}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(2); ST: 10†; SL: { ({DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}}[@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 9 [do]<b>Composite Bow:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +3} imp; Acc 3; Range: { {ST} *20}/{ {ST} *25}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(2); ST: 10†; SL: { ({DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} [@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] [when] {ST} > 10 [do]<b>Longbow:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] +2} imp; Acc 3; Range: { {ST} *15}/{ {ST} *20}; RoF: 1; Shots: 1(2); ST: 11†; SL: { ({DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}}[@QualityWeapons&#93;[end] Table: BrawlingWeapons <b>Kick:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage][#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier] cr; SL: {({DX}-2) + {[SL]}} <b>Punch:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} cr; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; SL: {{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} <b>Sharp Claws:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} cut; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; SL: {{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} <b>Talons:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} cut or imp; Parry: { floor ((({DX}-1) + {[@SL&#93;})/2)+3}; SL: {{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} <b>Blunt Teeth:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} cr; SL: {({DX}-2) + {[SL]}} <b>Fangs Teeth:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} imp; SL: {({DX}-2) + {[SL]}} <b>Sharp Beak:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} pi+; SL: {({DX}-2) + {[SL]}} <b>Sharp Teeth:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} cut; SL: {({DX}-2) + {[@SL&#93;}} <b>Blunt Claws:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ [#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-]-1} cr; SL: {{DX} + {[SL]}} <b>Hooves:</b> [#{ST} ThrustDamage]{ ([#{ST} ThrustDamageModifier >> +-] + [#{ST} PlusOnePerDieThrust])} cr; SL: {{DX} + {[SL]}} Table: ArcherWeapons [#2 Weapons],<li>[#{1d6+6} RangedWeapons]</li>,<li>[Weapons]</li> Table: ScoutWeapons <li>[#2 Weapons]</li>, <li>[#{2d4} RangedWeapons]</li>, <li>[@Weapons&#93;</li> Table: ThiefWeapons <li>[#3 Weapons]</li>, <li>[#{1d6} Weapons]</li> Table: QualityWeapons 20: \z 1: Fine Quality: 3 times the list price 2: Good Quality: +40% of list price 1: Fine Quality: -1 to Break, +1 cut & imp damage 1: Very Fine Quality: -2 to break, +2 cut & imp damage Table: Armor None (DR 0) Cloth Armor (DR 1, Torso, Groin) Leather Jacket (DR 1, Torso, Arms) Leather Armor (DR 2, Torso, Groin) Leather Armor (DR 2, Torso, Groin, Arms) Leather Armor (DR 2, Torso, Groin, Arms, Legs) Light Scale Armor (DR 3, Torso) Light Scale, Leather Limb (DR 3 Torso, DR 2 Arms, Legs) Table: SL 20: 0 15: 1 11: 2 10: 3 5: 4 3: 5 1: 6 1: 7 1: 8 1: 9 EndTable: Table: ThrustDamage 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 2d 2d Table: ThrustDamageModifier -6 -6 -5 -5 -4 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 \z \z +1 +1 +2 +2 -1 -1 table: SwingDamage 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 2d 2d 2d 2d 3d 3d 3d 3d table: SwingDamageModifier -5 -5 -4 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 \z 1 +2 -1 \z 1 2 -1 \z 1 2 Table: PlusOnePerDieThrust 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Table: PlusOnePerDieSwing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 EndTable: Table: ArcherBonus 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Table: BanditBonus 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Table: BarbarianBonus 7 3 0 3 5 (-1) 0 0 2 0 Table: Hedge WizardBonus 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table: KnightBonus 4 4 0 3 HP (-0.75) 0 0 0 0 Table: MageBonus (-1) 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 (-3) 2 Table: ScoutBonus 3 4 1 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 Table: ThiefBonus 1 5 3 1 0 (-0.5) 0 1 1 0 EndTable: Table: ArcherSkills Fast-Draw (Arrow)- {!{$DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} Fast-Draw (Ammo)- {!{$DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} Hiking- {!({$HT} -4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Soldier- {!({$IQ} -5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Camouflage- {!({$IQ} -4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Stealth- {!({DX} -5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Survival (any)- {!({$Per} -5) + {[@SL&#93;}} First Aid- {!({$IQ} -4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Brawling- {!{$DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} Armoury (Missile Weapons)- {!({$IQ}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Table: BanditSkills Riding (Horses) {!({DX} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}} [|Crossbow {!({DX} +2) + {[@SL&#93;}}|Bow {!({DX} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}}|] [|Broadsword {!({DX} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}}|Sabre {!({DX} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}}|] [|Navigation(Land) {!{IQ} + {[@SL&#93;}}|Area Knowledge {!({IQ} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}}|] [|Intimidation {!({Will} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}}|Leadership {!({IQ} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}}|] [|Camouflage {!({IQ} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}}|Stealth {!{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}}|] Shortsword {!{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} Whip {!{DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} Savoir-Faire {!{IQ} + {[@SL&#93;}} Brawling {!({DX} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}} Carousing {!{HT} + {[@SL&#93;}} Gambling {!({$IQ} -1) + {[@SL&#93;}} Knife {!({DX} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}} Table: BarbarianSkills Camouflage {!({IQ} +4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Navigation (Land) {!({IQ} +4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Survival (Any) {!({Per} +3) + {[@SL&#93;}} Tracking {!({Per} +3) + {[@SL&#93;}} Thrown Weapon [|Axe/Mace|Harpoon|Spear|Stick|] {!({DX} +2) + {[@SL&#93;}} [|Bolas|Bow|Spear Thrower|Throwing|] {!({DX} +1) + {[@SL&#93;}} Axe/Mace Broadsword Spear Flail Shield PoleArm Two-Handed Axe/Mace Table:ThiefSkills Forced Entry- {!{$DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} Climbing- {!({$DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Filch- {!({$DX}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Stealth- {!({$DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Escape- {!({$DX}-6) + {[@SL&#93;}} Pickpocket- {!({$DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Lockpicking- {!({$IQ}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Traps- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Acrobatics- {!({$DX}-6) + {[@SL&#93;}} Slight of Hand- {!({$DX}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Gesture- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Holdout- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Shadowing- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} Smuggling- {!({$IQ}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Streetwise- {!({$IQ}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Search- {!({$DX}-6) + {[@SL&#93;}} Urban Survival- {!({$Per}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Brawling- {!{$DX} + {[@SL&#93;}} Gambling- {!({$IQ}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} Table:ScoutSkills 10: Camouflage- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Fast-Draw (arrow)- {! {$DX} + [@SL&#93;} 10: Observation- {!({$Per}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Tracking- {!({$Per}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Climbing- {!({$DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Stealth- {!({$DX}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Gesture- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Cartography- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Shadowing- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Traps- {!({$IQ}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Navigation (Land)- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Hiking- {!({$HT}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} 10: Survival- {!({$Per}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} 3: Jumping- {!({$IQ} + [@SL&#93;} 3: First Aid- {!({$IQ}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} 3: Running- {!({$HT}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} 3: Swimming- {!({$HT}-4) + {[@SL&#93;}} 3: Search- {!({$Per}-5) + {[@SL&#93;}} EndTable: Table: ArcherTraits Acute Vision 2 Fit Striking Strength Bloodlust Chummy Code of Honor (Soldier's) EndTable:
I'm completely unfamiliar with GURPS, so I can only guess what the output should be generally.
But as to your specific question, I think that your problem lies with the position of the curly braces here:
Those outer curly braces are telling IPP "interpolate the result if it's a variable, or do the math if it's an expression". Since it's an expression, you're getting just a number.
Of course if you remove the outer braces entirely, you have a new problem in that the +2 part of your modifier isn't evaluated. What you need to do, then, is make sure the braces are exactly where you need them, around the math part only:
Hope that helps!