Hi all,
This is mostly for Ed, but anyone else who knows the answer is encouraged to educate me.
Ed - I noticed on your "Conan Bandits" table, you use the "!" in strange and new ways. I understand how to use "!" for deck picks, but can you explain how/why "!" is used for seemingly other purposes? For example, in variable assignment:
or in situations when you're only rolling once on a table anyway:
Wealth: [#{!{1d6}+{$level}} coins]
This last one has me intrigued. It looks like you're making a deck pick roll on the "coins" table a number of times equal to 1d6+level, but the output seems like you're only actually rolling once.
Is there some deep secret to "!" that I don't know about?
I was interested in looking at the odd "!" usage, but I can't find any "Conan Bandits" table anywhere. Where should I look?
I give it a 50% chance that I'll feel really dumb after receiving your answer.
Based on the "Wealth" line, let's say 1d6+level equals "4", and so you'd get this: ([#{!4} coins]}, which confuses me. Initially, it looks like it would roll 4 deck picks on the coins table (i.e., "!4"), but the "#" seems like it would force a single roll of "4" on the coins table.
There's also some weirdness on entry 13 of the coins table (Gems worth {!{1d10}*10} gp each) - why not just say {1d10*10}?
Added bonus: I don't feel dumb for not finding it.
To the documentation! After a search for "{!" in the PDF, there it was!
My guess, then, is that it was either really old code, or Ed's used to using a the old style.
Ah...That must be it - good hunting.
Added bonus: I feel dumb for not having seen that in the help file.
On the plus side, I'm glad to know I wasn't missing out on some crucial syntax.