Hello. I was browsing rpg.net forums, and suddenly I was an ad about information manager for games. I clicked it and was stunned to see an application that i was looking for for ages! I was very exited about it and downloaded the trial version. I see everything what i need there, but i have few questions about the licence and stuff. Here are my questions:
1. On how much PC in can install the program? Currently I use a laptop in work, desktop in home, and an EeePC to DM. It's obvious easy to plan everything on bigger than 10 inch screen

Can I install The Keep on 3 different PC? Is there limit on this?
2. How I can run it off a flash stick?
3. When I purchase the program from DriveThruRPG.com for example, I have 5 downloads per purchase. If for some reason I use all my downloads, can I rely on you to provide me the file?
4. Is there online activation or some other limits enforced by the software?
Few issuses now:
1. For some reason the "files" directory is locked and I can't access it and can't view the .pdf files that are currently attached into a current database. What can cause this?
2. The image viewer is handling very sluggish files bigger than 1-2 MB. For exmaple world map of Creation (Exalted 2nd edition) is very slow to navigate. Do you plan improvement on the tools?
Thanks in advance for the answers.
Its no problem to install it on more than one PC. You can install it on more than one PC, as long as each is primarily operated by you. ie, a work PC, home PC, and netbook, etc.
When you install the full version of the program, it will prompt you to select a portable or desktop installation. If you want to install into a USB drive, select the portable option and then select your USB drive as the target destination.
Its no problem to replace a lost download, but make sure you register the software or we may not be able to connect your download link with your name. RPGNow does not, by default, send buyer information to us, so unless you register we dont know who bought the software and who didnt.
Nope, no activation, or purposely imposed limits.
What do you mean by 'locked'? Are we talking the file system? Or within the keep? What is it preventing?
Well, 'sluggish' is very subjective, and can be image and machine dependent. I've not seen anything out of the expected bounds with the image viewing. If there's an image thats causing a problem you're welcome to upload it here and I can take a look at it and see if it happens here.
When I use my default viewer in vista, it's no problem, everything is smooth and fast. Here i drag the map and the results come seconds later. My PC is top model, 6gig of ram and quad cpu.
I import a .pdf file into the root tree of the program. But nothing happens - the tab where the .pdf must be shown is blank, and when i try to go to the directory where the file should be copied I got access denied error and can't open the directory. After PC restart everything is ok. Also sometimes the .pdf files aren't showing and keep a blank pad, even when the files are copied into the appropriate directory.
For the PDF, root items can only be text entries. So I think what may be happening is its not adding it for that reason, and not giving an error message.
My use of the software will be for SciFi and I'd like it to link with an Inspiration Pad facility having SciFi facilities.
1) Is there a version of Inspiration Pad geared specifically to SciFi?
2) If so, how do I access it?
3) Also if so, would I be able to access it via Keep?
1) In the trial version, I can switch off the spellchecker, but the moment I type a single additional letter in a text file, the spellchecker goes right back to checking the text, even though it´s still marked as switched off in the menu. Does this change in the full version?
2) Speaking of the spellchecker, is it any better in the full version than in the trial version? Because, to, its not being able to recognize contractions (like "don´t" for example) or words with apostrophes is quite a disappointment, as is the lack of an option of adding words to it like I can do in Word.
3) In the trial version, there´s only one databse which is automatically loaded when I start it, and saved if I quit. Does the full version include the ability to switch between databases (and to quit without saving changes to a database)?
3a) Speaking of the full version, if I upgrade to it, will I be able to keep the database I´ve been working on in the trial version, or is that completely separate?
4) Are there any plans, in the future, to allow including Astrosynthesis maps in The Keep?
5) It doesn´t seem to be possible to copy several cells in a table, then select the same number of cells in a different table and paste the cell contents into these tables - at least I haven´t managed to do so yet. Am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
[John] This is a forum for the The Keep but Inspiration Pad is just a random name generator. You can certainly create whatever you want in the tool and use it in The Keep.
[John] Just open Inspiration Pad...not sure I get the issue here.
[John] In The Keep Inspiration Pad stuff shows up as simple folders. Works really neat actually. You can copy it into your entries.
[John] I have never tried to turn off the spell checker. Sure sounds like a bug though...just my take. Why do you want to turn it off? Just curious...
[John] Huh...I get all the fancy work options and it works with quotes. Not sure why this is not working for you.
[John] Unfortunately not to my knowledge. This is one of the big drawbacks right now if you have multiple campaigns. They need a way to handle this better...a larger campaign setting or something might do it...not sure.
[John] Yes, at least from my experience quite a while ago. Note that you can also backup your db too just to be safe.
[John] Can't answer this one.
[John] I agree. Right now the table handling is not wonderful. This is one area where I would like to see enhancements as well.
Using the /path "C:\Full\Path\To\Folder" parameter (replacing the "Full\Path\To\Folder" with the path to the folder where your database is/will be) when launching TheKeep will make it look in that directory as opposed to the directory the executable is in (or wherever it normally looks). You can set this up in a shortcut.
Well, for one thing I prefer to keep my campaigns separate; it´s just a personal preference.
For another, I could see myself using The Keep for things unrelated to gaming, which I would definitely want to keep separate from gaming. For example, it would have been very useful when I was working on my diploma thesis, to keep track on all the research and sources and stuff.