How can I reset the symbol memory on a mapping symbol. I accidentally stretched and distorted a symbol and now it is set that way, so that every time I add it to the map, I get a distorted version. I can see the use of symbol memory, but there must be a way to reset the symbol when one wants to start over.
EDIT: Just testing the behavior of this forum software.
Hmmm. I've read this answer over five times now, but I still don't understand it. What kind of rectangle do you mean?
That aside ... I've distorted symbols in this manner too. The easiest solution for me was to close FM8 and then open it again.
instead of single clicking on the map to place a symbol, draw it out to the size you want. that is, select the symbol, then on the map, click at the top right of where you want the symbol to go, and drag until you get a selection rectangle of the desired size for the symbol. That will overwrite the symbol memory.
Simply resizing a symbol, now that I've double checked it, will also reset the symbol memory for that symbol.
That also works :-) Actually, its probably a lot easier! iirc, I had intended on adding a 'forget memorized symbol sizes' menu option in the program, but I ended up leaving it out, not wanting to clutter the menu any more than was really needed.
Yes, I could do that to create a new distorted symbol saved in symbol memory. But it is very difficult to create an opposite rectangle that will restore the original shape and dimension of the original symbol.
I stumbled across this solution as well. I'm glad, in this case, that the symbol memory was reset when I restarted FM8. But it would be nice to do it without bouncing the program.
It would probably make a nice context menu option. 'Right' click on a symbol and be able to reset it, i.e 'forget memorized symbol'