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  • Continuing this discussion on the fractal algorithm, is there any chance of getting a self-affine fractal tool in addition to the current one, which I believe uses a self-similar fractal algorithm. I think such a tool would potential address the fra…
  • I've run into this as well.
  • I'll admit to not actually playing around all that much with my copy of astro 2.0 I originally picked up astro because of a scifi game I was running that I've recently gotten back into. The main difficulty that has kept me from using astro mor…
  • I'm currently using windows 7's built in unzip tool. When one is viewing the contents of a zipped folder, there is a button at the top of the folder that says extract. That's the method I'm currently using. Thanks to the link you just provided I …
  • I tried downloading a second time before I posted.
  • I applied the symbol set 2 patch and redownloaded all 4 files. Only one error on extraction, again it is with ps1_fm8_V The file that is corrupted is: ResidentialDbl02V_500x120SLA Also, you should let people know that they must redownload all 4…
  • Awesome! I'm getting an error when extracting some of the files in the ps1_fm8_V. I redownloaded the zip file and still got the same extraction errors. All the other files extracted without problem. I tried out some of the farm blocks and they…
  • The keep makes its own copy of any files you put into the library. So if you move (or change) the original, it won't effect the one in the keep.
  • I'm currently running FM8 on windows 7 and haven't noticed any problems yet. I'll post here if I notice any compatibility issues.
  • Thanks for the tip. I've updated the code with deck calls. Code is below and also attached as a .ipt file. ********************************************** Table: NPC Traits Type: Lookup Roll: 1d7 1:[!Trait_List] and [!Trait_List] 2-3:[!…
    in NPC Traits Comment by dcf6 November 2009
  • Table: NPC Traits Type: Lookup Roll: 1d7 1:[@Trait_List] and [@Trait_List] 2-3:[@Trait_List], [@Trait_List] and [@Trait_List] 4-6:[@Trait_List], [@Trait_List], [@Trait_List] and [@Trait_List] 7:[@Trait_List], [@Trait_List], [@Trait_List], [@Tr…
    in NPC Traits Comment by dcf6 November 2009
  • That's a very useful plug-in and one I will frequently use. It helps but doesn't fully address what MarkOlivia put in the vintyri pdfs, which call for being able to see symbol names, along with the images, in the mapping symbols menu. So you could s…
  • 1) I'm surprised that MarkOliva hasn't suggested this yet, but the ability to see the name (file name is fine) of a raster symbol or texture from within FM8 would be really helpful. This would be really helpful when placing symbols, because sometime…
  • The new symbols are great. Lots of good information in the pdf as well. Looking forward to symbol set 4!
  • I find that I don't always want to use symbols at the default scale. Once I rescale them they stay that way, which is great. However, being able to drag from the corner and have the relative width and height remain unchanged would be really nice. Cu…
  • Never mind, I found out that the keep creates a file in its database for any images that you put into it and the export/import tool works great. I'm really liking this software so far.
  • Couple things: 1) When changing the size of map symbols there should be an option to lock the aspect ratio (perhaps even set on by default). The biggest spot for this is when you first place a map symbol. I'd really like to draw out the approxima…
  • Go to: Map->Map Setup There you can choose the map size. For example, if your game uses 5 feet squares you can set the map size to 40 feet by 50 feet. Next go to: Map->Grids Here you can set the grid to squares and the width and hei…
    in Battlegrid Comment by dcf6 October 2009
  • I've got symbol set 2 installed as well. It's also under the "Vintyri Collections." I must have changed one or more of the category names. I'll look into it and see if I can get it working. Right now for symbol set 2 I have: Base Buildings Cla…
  • I haven't gotten it to work yet. The vector symbol appears as an option in the menu but it's blank. It's probably because my folders aren't organized correctly. My Symbol Set is entitled 'Vintyri Collections' and my Category is titled 'Walls, Gat…
  • Cool, I'm looking forward to symbol set 3! I haven't had any problems with FM8's speed, even on my old laptop. (Although it's refreshing to hear that I should see good results from the new laptop I have on order.) In my post above, I was mostly r…
  • Thanks a ton for these and the other wonderful content on your website! My players have been very impressed with the world maps I've managed to put together using the overland fills (and I saved a lot of time too)! Quick suggestion for additional…