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  • I know this is a late addition but I have followed the instructions given by Chaos which works. However when I try to use Travel Calculator for Sol to Omicron Persei 8, only Sol appears for the Start Body and End Body. Why is this and can it be fix…
  • I wanted to let you know thanks to your patience and guidance I believe I finally understand how IPP works at least making tables, because the one made from the Information here is up and running and with that I can just use the same formula to make…
  • I know this "feels like doing your homework for you" but this is how I learn in the same way I learned math in class we did problems following a given formula then at home I just continued to follow the same formula. That aside thank you for introdu…
  • I'm trying to practice making generators. The instructions say to use notepad which I am but I do not know how to then take the table and save it as an ipt file it only saves as a txt file to be used by the generator.
  • Thank you again so much, for your patience and assistance the folder it was right where you said it would be.
  • Wow, thank you so very much I did realize that it was this simple, I was making it way harder then I had to? I do have a follow up question regarding generating tables if you are able to answer and do not mind. This is under the section Generator …
  • Thank you, I will see what I can do.
  • Hello, this is the second time in two separate questions I have been led to AlienAPI. I have zero training, understanding, and experience in any type of programming since AlienAPI seems to be the solution I require, are there any video tutorials on…
  • Hello, I understand a world cannot have more then 1 custom field of industry, but that is not what I am asking. This is what I want when I randomly generate a sector. For example in star system alpha there is a terrestrial world I want to have a c…