Okay, I've gone over this a few times and I must be missing something. For some reason, populated systems are getting DefaultNames, and thats not supposed to happen. It should give any unpopulated system a DefaultName (modified as shown below) and a…
Here's a sample of the strange text I'm getting as names:
[when]Populated = NotPopulated[do]SS00-070107
[when]Populated = Populated[do]Udiko
So it looks like its doing the basic job of telling the generator when to use SystemName or Default…
This one is starting to get the right results, but there's still some scripting language showing up.
Table: GetName
[when]{$Population} = NotPopulated[do][@DefaultName]
[when]{$Population} = Populated[do][@SystemName] [end]
Ok, I'm making progress in figuring this out. I think I'm figuring out the questions I need to ask at least.
So here's the next one: there is a Habitability and a Population variable in the AS naming generator. Can I somehow program the generator…
Ok, but if I don't want to make a script, could I base it off of the habitability of the system?
Like, uninhabitable systems are numbered/default named, and habitable and hospitable planets get named?