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  • Progress so far......Finished the update through 60 light years, was rather extensive, just about every star had some change/edit applied to it. Some display names have been changed, and very many secondary (the Alt Name field) catalog numbers have…
  • Garrett wrote: I don't mind doing a bit of tweaking to consolidate the random binaries that wind up getting selected. I guess I should try and figure out how to convert the HabHYG file into something Astrosynthesis can read. I tried to open your…
  • An update on what I'm doing: While preparing to the remainder of the red and white dwarfs, I've decided to revise and update the earlier installments first, and when done will upload a consolidated .csv file. This project has been done in phases o…
  • You actually can convert the HabHYG file to AstroSyn's format without doing too much work, just have to delete some columns and rearrange the others in the right order. The coordinates are provided, just need to transpose them as I described. The …
  • Yes, the absolute magnitude is one of the most important values to know about a star, and is the key to determining whether it is a giant or a main-sequence dwarf. It is dependent on the distance, which of course is dependent upon having accurate p…
  • Yes, it's more of an Excel situation. One method would be to add a column to check the spectral type in each row to see it it starts with "F", "G" or "K", have it output a "1" (or something) if it does, nothing if it doesn't. Then do a sort on tha…
  • gilbone wrote: Sweet. Are you a gamer? Writer? Astronomer? Thank you! Well, I am not a writer, but am into space and astronomy (have a large telescope) and have a strong interest in hard science fiction and "reality"-based SF universes. Ste…
  • I've uploaded the next installment, Space4 90-100ly, covering 90 to 100 light years from Sol. 586 records in that mere 10ly span, and doesn't include the fainter red dwarfs, not that there's a lot of them at that distance in the HYG database. I've…
  • An update, I've uploaded the next installment, Space3 78-90ly, covering 78-90 light years from Sol. Also included is an updated .sector map file containing all three parts, 0 to 90 light years. Next up is doing the 90-100 ly section! Tom
  • Thank you, Ed! It's a personal project of mine, but I think it might be useful to others. If anything, I've already done the work of the coordinate conversion. I've uploaded the 60-78 light year section, and am now working on the part from 7…