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  • That sounds grand, but I have no idea how to do any of that! Does anyone feel like spinning spells in code? It would be much appreciated!
  • The real universe data I am using is the Hip 10k file from this site. Would I be editing that? I have work I'd like to transfer across from the old Astro3 file at the incorrect orientation, would I be able to import that into my new Hip 10k file?
  • How does one edit the sector orientation in Astro 3? I want to do the same as Grumpy there, but I can find that option in the Sector drop down. Do I have to export, edit then import something?
  • Hello there, really looking forward to what Astro 3 can do! My wish list involves the display when clicking on an object. I would like to click on an object and then a frame pop up with text about that object, say a short description of the plan…
  • I'd like to see more graphical displays, detailing full object descriptions with possibly a randomly selected image from a folder to illustrate it. Some kind of hypertext style linkage could be an idea too. For example click on a highlighted link in…