I was able to figure out what was going on. I gave abbreviated info from the Magic Items Files. And there was some parameters being passed that was resetting the first one.
I was able to find a different way to code to to avoid that happening.
Thank you for this Levendor. This makes sense to pull the prompts specifically out of the original file and only have them in the generator themselves.
This did seem to solve the problem actually.
So basically the call
[@GemTypes with {1d2}, 10]
Table: GemTypes
[@{$1} Gems {$2} >> implode ]
{$1} [@Gems {$2} >> implode ]
Will pass 1d2 as the $1 variable on the on the @Gems 10 table. The $2 passing the 10 to pick the r…
Thanks. I always get annoyed when a spell scroll comes up for random loot, and there is no easy way to roll for what the spell or class is, so I love this generator.
I also have another one to generate a random spell book with 5E spells.
Oh I understood the prompt part. I was talking about how you seemed to rewrite the spell selection part. I don't quite understand all the math that you are doing in the rewrite there and why.
All this part.
Table: SpellProxy
Thanks for this. This does work, only issue is the prompts for this generator do appear in the new generator for treasure that I was making. That is a little annoying, but not a big deal.
Can you explain a little bit what you did to the code here a…