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  • I do something similar except I split into three parts. The first part includes the first vowel and the consonant immediately after it. The last part includes the last consonant and the vowel before it. And the middle is the rest. I wrote a VB.net a…
  • If you go on the menu to Help > About (make sure to click Help on the menu, not the question mark icon below), it will show you the Table Paths. I think it's in Documents\InspirationPadPro3 but I'm using a portable installation with an alternate …
  • I think the general rule is that curly brackets are for math and variables. If it's not those things, it should be square brackets. To be honest I always just go check a working generator to remind myself of the formats for things though. I'm not g…
  • What I generally do is have multiple tables of names for each race. Then call the table with the race (or whatever other factor) added to the base table name. You'll need to assign the race to a variable too. Table: NPC You see [@NPCAge] [@gender] …
  • When you do this: {!Echo==[|Iron|Bronze|Silver|Gold|Mythril/Adamant|Exaltant]} I think those should be square brackets instead of curly ones, and you don't need the exclamation point. This works: Table:TheBiggun [when]{$prompt1}=Random[do][Echo==…
  • If you put the .ipt file in the Generators folder (rather than Common), it will be listed in the left sidebar in IPP. It's possible for one .ipt file to call content from another file, and that's what you would normally put in Common, the things you…
  • Personally I like Notepad++ which will leave the extension however it found it. https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ That said, you can change the file extension for any file if you tell Windows not to hide those extensions. In Windows 10, in the file ex…
  • It really is that simple! I am not 100% certain about the location of that folder for you, because I did a portable installation. But go on the menu to Help > About. Below the copyright date it should say "Table Paths" and then have the location…
  • This feels a little like doing your homework for you, but maybe the example will help you understand how it works -- which for these sorts of things is actually really easy. There are lots of complicated things you can do, that we tend to discuss be…
  • That works for me when I just paste what you've got into an .ipt file. What I pasted also worked for me (as long as I also created a CharChoose table).
  • In general, $ isn't required for variables (I guess it was in an earlier version). So maybe it's better to always omit it.
  • The when statement seems to require it to be lower case. Also, I had to remove that first $ for the assignment to work. So: Table:NextTable {runtil={2d5+7}}[when]{$runtil} > 0[do][@CharChoose][end]
  • I don't think that's doing the recursion properly because you've got oldroll being overwritten by newroll in the final table. The D100OE Lower table is also not right but that's because we didn't explain it properly. If you roll open-ended high it'…
  • It looks like you are trying to do all that processing in the prompt itself. I don't think you can do that. Remove the & at the beginning of the first line so it stands by itself, and then move all those When statements into a table. I think us…
  • Would the hazards be linked to the other parameters? Or are you just looking to brainstorm a big list? You can certainly have a table of hazards that says things like, for example: required [|token|formal|extensive|intrusive] inspections to [|avoi…
  • OldeMusicke: Open-ended rolls only go up, or down, not both. So that means the initial roll determines the direction, but for subsequent rolls you only consider the 96-100 add and not the 01-05 subtract. NanoEther: Regarding the times when it was c…
  • Those lines that say "Roll is Basenumber" and "Roll is Bonusnumber" are possible table results, and when added to things have a value of 0.... that's causing those null values. You also seem to have a lot of extraneous lines, Set commands, and as…
  • I didn't realize the inline options all got evaluated like that. Thanks OldeMusicke! I tend to use inline tables mainly to add some variety to adjectives.
  • That's a valid approach, and you could also get exactly the same results from: use: common\nbos\quests\quest1.ipt Table: thequest [!dungeonhooks] [!royalquests] [!forestquests] [!doorways] This way would be easier if you wanted to weight them di…
  • I don't know about from the console, but it's often helpful to embed the variable in the output at multiple places to see how it's changing. I end up doing that a lot.
  • I'm getting a value in RC. There's an issue with Table RandomConvoyPay though. You probably want it to consider every When possibility. But because they are on different lines, it will only randomly consider one of those, and therefore there will us…
  • You can always use & nbsp; instead of a space character (just omit the space I included after the &).
  • If you want a line to appear at the top of the generated content, you can add a line: Header: text that you want to appear at the top of your .ipt file.
  • Never actually tried printing. But it looks like if you go to File/Print Preview, then click the gear icon for Page Setup, you can change the header and footer, then click OK and print from there. I suspect it will then retain those settings.
  • Levendor's idea based on how vlookup works seems like a good one that wouldn't need dashes at all. I agree negative numbers would be helpful.
  • I know anything with [w can be an issue, it seems to get caught as [when] which prevents whatever it's supposed to do. We also discussed that dashes in dictionary keys are problems. And any line starting with 10 or fewer characters followed by a co…
  • They don't need to be in the file, but if they aren't, you need to include a "use" line at the top of the file for each other file you want to reference. For example, use: nbos/Animals.ipt That will look for the file in /Common/nbos called Animals…
  • You can nest as deep as you want. There is more than one solution but as a partial example: Table: Treasure You find a [@GeneralTreasure]. Table: GeneralTreasure [@BonusItems] [@DailyItems] [@PowerEnhancers] Table: BonusItems [@Blades] [@Ot…
  • Exactly where you do the lookup depends what you are trying to do, just make sure all the dictionary table references use the original short form. But for example: set lairMonster=[encounterBarrens] Table: encounterBarrens 1:[#acolyte monsterStatB…
  • Hmm, interesting. It must be something about dictionary keys breaking when they contain a dash. elder-borne: works because dictionary keys can only be 10 characters, therefore elder-borne: is not considered a dictionary key, since the colon has too …