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  • Incidentally, you could omit the Name table entirely if you change the first table to: table: prompt_example Tribal member is {$prompt1}. Their name is [@{$prompt1}Name]. This will call FemaleName, MaleName, or DragonName directly without n…
  • The problem is that you have put your three conditionals in the Name table on separate lines. That means IPP will randomly pick one of them to check, and ignore the others! You need to put all three on the same line like: Table: Name [when]{$prompt…
  • Oh yeah. Previously noted here: http://forum.nbos.com/discussion/1517/fortune-teller-files/p1 An easy workaround is that \a is case sensitive, but filenames aren't case sensitive. So if you put the filename as arcanaMagician it may not work, but Ar…
  • I would set a variable to indicate male/female (which could also be used when picking pronouns he/she, his/her, etc). You could either randomly pick the gender first and then have two lists of names (or maybe three lists if you want some ambiguous o…
  • Personally I use Notepad++. It's free, https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ The only downside is you need to close IPP and reopen it to see the results of your changes. In addition to not closing when you press ctrl-x (which happens to me constantly!), …
  • Huh, I didn't think you could nest When statements like that, but it seems to work! I don't get any blank outputs here.
  • The problem appears to be your use of "End Table:" as the last row of every table. I don't think that's the intention of that command. It just flushes the variables, it does not mark that there are no more table lines -- a blank line will take care …
  • I have not played with it myself, but I think http://forum.nbos.com/discussion/986/hash-tables#latest may have the tools you need.
  • I don't think you can upload unless you have a registration code, and since IPP is free there is no registration code.... this may be why there are no IPP uploads since 2017. You can post them to the forum though.
  • I often make multiple tables rather than relying on passing parameters. Supposing you put the treasure type (e.g. "B") in a variable {$TreasureType}, rather than using a lookup for the type, you could call a table [@TreasureTable{$TreasureType}]. S…
  • If you called a lookup table five times, wouldn't it give you the same value each time? I guess it wouldn't if it in turn contained table calls or inline tables. Maybe the way to do that would be by passing a parameter with the number of calls so th…
  • Not sure about the reasons, but this appears to work: Table: test Link Note that I've replaced / with an escape code and also put it in the full html link rather than just a URL. Of course it doesn't quite work when it comes to loading that page …
  • I know it's pretty easy to run into limits based on variable types. A 4096 character limit would not surprise me. If there is a reason for it, it would be great if instead of just not processing the line, IPP would display something like "Line too l…
  • I don't know if you can use "if" that way. It's a mathematical operation that picks one or the other value, not a execution branch -- that's what "when" if for. This works: {DM=={1d12}}{DM==DM-5}{DM=={if({DM >= 1},DM,1)}}[#{DM} Slave] You could…
  • Previously reported: http://forum.nbos.com/discussion/170/bug-cant-use-more-than-4-prompts/p1 I think it's a limitation in the software. You might need to collapse some of your options. E.g. Prompt: Attacker Weapon {Bludgeon|Slash|Pierce} Slash P…
  • Thanks, Ed, for fixing it! Here's the .ipt file.
  • Hmm, whenever I try to attach the .ipt file, I get a "file is not allowed" message...? Did something change?
  • Ah, thanks. Known bug then...
  • Hmm, amusingly, double backslash also gets replaced by a single backslash on this forum.
  • I found \t and \a were still getting replaced, despite the double backslash. But apparently that's case sensitive, so when I changed the paths to \T and \A it was fine (and Windows doesn't care about the case of filenames).
  • Thanks! I probably wouldn't use anything larger than the Patrol for an encounter, but I could imagine using the larger units if I needed to generate a pile of military paperwork with some useful information hidden somewhere within....
  • I'm not using 5e but that looks great and easy to adapt to whatever value system you happen to be using. Thanks!
  • There's a download link for the .ipt at the very top of http://www.rpginspiration.com/tables/Fortune-Teller-Rider.ipt It's small but it's there! Not sure about the graphics. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine how many fortunes y…
  • Works fine for me too, Windows 7 and Firefox.
  • Yes! Drives me crazy too, especially because I tend to jump back and forth between IPP and Notepad++ (which uses ctrl-x for cut). I end up doing almost everything in Notepad++ instead because I won't mess it up. This could be a configurable option i…
  • That's a nice collection, thanks! In the Portuguese name generator, the table PortugueseFemaleFirstName is named incorrectly. Trivial fix, but as uploaded it's not working right.
  • Sometimes you can omit them for text, sometimes you can put the whole assignment in square brackets instead of curly brackets, but it seems inconsistent. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I will try to stick with curly brackets and single quotes an…
  • When do you need single quotes and when can you omit them? Inline assignments are giving me a lot of trouble in my present project. Is it something about the kind of data being assigned? E.g. if it contains symbols like #?
  • I'm not seeing the modulo operator in the help and can't get it to work (3.01b). Is it still there? It would be useful.
  • I might be done now. Arabic male: Atul Ajirmid Zakif Amam Aman Saqqaf Jalaymid Neji Arabic female: Malya Amjad Nurah Ahmim Nawra Amammam Jatha Muhal Finnish male: Valting Harmoni Kristu Linnen Sako Nurmen Kauku Nikani Finnish…