Hi everyone:
I´m as the title says completely new to this kind of programs, so I downloaded the Keep´s trial veersion.
I´ve been fidgeting with it for a couple of days, but must admit that I´ve been having some problems to understand some features.
So I wanted to post some questions, sorry if they sound to basic for you but I would really apreciate your help:
1. Is there such thing as a "Users Manual" for the programs?
2. Each entry in The Keep is a sepparate file? For example all Text entries are saved as a separate each, or does the program save a Database as a whole?
3. I´ve been having some problems with hyperlinking, i.e. Lets say I have two Text entries and I want to crosslink them so I click the hyperlink in one, select the other in the list that appears, write the coment and click OK, and the Text appears, the problem is that when I pass the cursor above it, it doesn´t give me a click arrow it still hadles it as a regular text, I also tried to hyperlink with a PDF FIle with same results.
Thaks a lot for ypur help
[John] Not that I know of...there is Help-Contents that is pretty good.
[John] It uses a database. Entries that are PDF or File Attachments are simple files that are references by the db. Note that you CAN edit these directly from the nbos files folder. I use this trick with PDF as currently the Keep does not allow opening PDF directly in the full Acrobat client if it is attached as a File Attachment. See another post from me.
[John] Hold down the Ctrl key then click it.
Hope this helps.
It was very helpful, I´ve been reading the contens help file it has made mi life so much easier, yesterday I was about to toss my computer out the window out of frustration.
When I buy the full version, can I transfer a database from one computer to another, meaning im arranging my SR campaign here at the keep in my desktop, so, I buy the program and want to use it in my laptop, can I move everithing that I´ve already made?
Essentially yes you can. I recommend reading this thread. http://www.nbos.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=91 It will address your issue and give you something very spiffy. I have this setup across three PCs and it works GREAT!